Advice funding grant application Current Organisation details Building a Fairer Westminster Details about your application for funding Ambitions for your service Complete Details of the person handling this application Name of the person handling this application Contact number of the person handling this application Email of the person handling this application Organisation details Organisation name Please provide the web address to your organisation via Charity Commission or Companies House Name and email of an existing or previous funding partner This can be a council officer, where applicable, or an external funder. Organisation address Address Address 2 (optional) City/Town (optional) ZIP/Postal Code Link to your website and/or main social media platform Please select your organisational status Registered charity (optional) Community Interest Company (optional) Charitable Incorporated Organisation (optional) Supply your registered organisation number where applicable (optional) Is your organisation led by any of the following groups? Global Majority (BAME) led (optional) Female led (optional) Disabled led (optional) LGBTQ+ led (optional) Led by a young adult (24 years or under) (optional) None of the above (optional) Prefer not to say (optional) Other… (optional) Enter other… (optional) Please note that we consider an organisation to be 'led' by said groups if your management team or board has at least 75% representation from people from that group and at least 50% of your paid staff team (if applicable) are representative of the group. Organisation aim Maximum 50 words Is your organisation led in any way by people with lived experience of the charitable objectives relevant to your organisation? Yes (optional) No (optional) If you have answered 'yes' please share how (optional) Tell us briefly how your organisation is run. We want to understand the structures, boards, roles or teams you have in place that are responsible for guiding decisions, planning, and delivery. Read our data protection notice to learn about how the council complies with data protection laws when processing your data. Next