Setting up a food business
How to register, set up and manage a food business.
Once you have decided to set up a food business you need to think and plan carefully how you will do this to ensure that every aspect of your food business prioritises the safety of the food you are selling.
Before you begin, you should ensure the following:
- register your food business with the relevant enforcing authority
- anyone handling food has received appropriate food hygiene training
- an appropriate food safety management system is in place
Food registration
If your business is located in the borough of Westminster you must register with us at least 28 days before opening. It is a legal requirement that you complete a registration form and notify us that you intend to operate a food business. The registration process is free.
You can register by completing the online food business registration form.
Please note that if the business is being operated by a limited company you must record the name of the company as the food business operator on the registration form.
Once you have registered your food business it will be subject to food safety inspections.
More information on registration can be found on our food registration page.
Food hygiene training
Before you start operating you must ensure that all those handling food receive the appropriate supervision and training in food hygiene in line with their area of work to ensure that they handle food safely. This is a legal requirement.
In general, food handlers should have training equivalent to level 2 in food safety and hygiene. Supervisors and managers should have training to at least Level 3 in supervising food safety and hygiene.
However, in the UK, food handlers don't have to hold a food hygiene certificate to prepare or sell food. You must however be able to demonstrate that they have received instructions or supervision in the following ways:
- training on-the-job
- self-study
- relevant prior experience
You will need to evidence what you have done to ensure all food handling staff have the appropriate skills when asked by an environmental health officer.
Food safety management system
All food business operators must have in place a written food safety management system.
What is a food safety management system?
A food safety management system is a method by which you look at what could go wrong in terms of food safety in your business and identify what you must do to ensure that any food you handle and produce is safe to eat. Your FSMS should be based on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles set out in Article 5 of EC Regulation 852/2004.
Your analysis of your business need not be complicated however, the level of documentation required depends on the size and nature of your business.
Before you begin writing your FSMS you should ensure that either you or someone in your business has received appropriate training or has sufficient knowledge in all the activities that take place in your businesses.
You will be required to keep records that demonstrate that you are following your procedures and these will be requested from you when an environmental health officer conducts a visit to your premises. You should also ensure that you regularly review your procedures and documentation to ensure that they remain applicable to your business especially when changes are made such as if you change your menu.
Safer food, better business
The Food Standards Agency have produced a guide for small businesses to assist you in developing an FSMS and this is called safer food, better business. This pack is available to download for free via the Food Standards Agency website. Further details on safer food, better business can be found on our safer food, better business webpage or on the Food Standards Agency webpage.
Published: 10 February 2021
Last updated: 5 September 2023