Specialist Team
The Specialist Team supports 18 to 25 year olds in Westminster with complex and multiple needs or disadvantages.
The Specialist Team is a multidisciplinary team that supports individuals by providing both practical and emotional support to young adults aged 18 to 25 with complex and multiple needs.
Westminster ranks 21st in the listing of local authorities with highest prevalence of severe Multiple Disadvantage in England and some of our young adults, those aged 18 to 25, are experiencing these disadvantages as they enter adulthood.
To do this, we use a combination of trauma informed and compassion focussed therapeutic and clinical interventions. We want to support individuals struggling to thrive by providing a wraparound service, taking a multi-agency approach to ensure that no one falls through the gaps.
Our Specialist Team is made up of expert practitioners, psychotherapist and peer mentors with experience in social work, homelessness, youth work, prisons, and mental health.
The team offers:
- one to one support for up to 12 months, with the capacity to see young people up to 3 times a week if needed
- support for young people to cultivate self-compassion and emotional regulation skills
- individual therapy with a psychotherapist
- needs led psychoeducational group sessions
- personal budget
- opportunities for young people to become mentors
Online referral
If you are working with a vulnerable person aged 18 to 25 that would benefit from our service, please complete the referral form, or call 07816 991 897 for an informal discussion.
Connect with the team
We’d love to meet your teams, learn about your service, and see how we can work together to support young adults. If you are interested in hearing more, please get in touch at streferrals@westminster.gov.uk
Case consultation
The Changing Futures Specialist Team also offer case consultations to services working with young adults. Utilising experts across the areas of multiple disadvantage we advise on next steps and workforce development opportunities. If you are interested in bringing a case forward, please contact streferrals@westminster.gov.uk
Published: 31 October 2022
Last updated: 16 January 2025