Personal data
A list of data which most services within Westminster City Council require for the purpose of registering a new customer.
Below is a list of categories of information the council is likely to collect. The list is not exhaustive but gives an idea of the sorts of information that constitutes personal data under the GDPR:
- name
- date of birth
- family name
- gender
- current and previous address
- contact details
- evening, daytime, mobile telephone numbers
- email address
- contact preference
- preferred language
- family relationships
- marital status
- agreement to store data on customer service database
- citizenship
- service identifier (eg library membership number, parking permit number)
- service requests and their outcomes
Special category data
The GDPR special category data covers:
- racial or ethnic origin
- political opinions
- religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature
- trade union membership
- physical or mental health or condition
- sex life and sexual orientation
- genetic data and biometric data
The GDPR criminal and offences data (aka conviction data)
This covers criminal allegations, proceedings or convictions and security measures. These are likely to centre on: specific employment requirements; fraud investigations; safeguarding issues; the vital interests of the data subject or other individuals.
To find out more about how the council uses and protects this type of information please see the council’s processing special category data.
Published: 29 December 2020
Last updated: 30 December 2020