Advice for council tenants
Energy saving advice and support for residents who rent their home from the council.
We provide homes for 12,000 families across Westminster and. We are committed to improving the energy efficiency of our council homes for our resident, to help improve living conditions and save money for tenants, as well as and reduce carbon emissions.
Energy café
Morgan Sindall Property Services (MSPS), our repairs and maintenance contractor delivers energy advice sessions for Westminster Housing residents.
Those running the sessions have passed a Level 3 qualification in Energy Awareness with the National Energy Action, enabling them to advise residents on the following:
- What to do if you’re struggling to pay your energy bills
- Making sure your home is energy efficient
- Keeping your home free from condensation and mould growth
- The best boiler controls for heating your home efficiently
- Grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills
- Signposting for extra support to other agencies
Find out more about the energy advice sessions and how you can get in involved.
Energy saving work for council tenants
Since 2021, we have helped over 675 households to save money on their energy bills with energy saving works at home. These works are helping to address cost of living pressures and make a real difference to people’s homes, helping them feel warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
We are initially focusing on the least energy efficient homes in the borough. We will contact you directly if you are eligible for fully-funded improvements, such as insulation and improved window glazing.
Benefits of energy-saving works
We estimate that residents could save between £50 and £300 per year on their energy bills, with most saving around £200. Each home is different, and the expected savings are discussed with residents before the work starts. Measures include:
- Internal wall insulation
- Secondary glazing
- New external doors
- Floor, loft and cavity insulation
- Electrified heating, where possible
- Solar PV panels
- Smart airbricks.
Energy saving works have also helped save around 1 tonne of CO² per home per year, and improved Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings from E/D/F to B/C.
Next steps
We plan to retrofit a further 560 homes over the next two years, focusing on homes with energy performance ratings (EPC D and below). A successful bid for match funding from the Department of Energy Efficiency and Net Zero means that we have a total of £10 million committed to this work.
Retrofit delivery plans
We have published Retrofit Delivery Plans, which show our planned energy-efficiency works across the city. These plans outline what type of improvements will be considered for each estate and the timeframes for delivery.
Find out more
We are contacting Westminster tenants in the least energy efficient homes directly to offer the works. However, if you would like to enquire about work to your home you can contact us by calling 0800 358 3783 or emailing
To find out more about retrofit measures, and the kind of benefits they can bring, see our energy saving show home.
Housing income team
If you continue to have financial difficulties please speak to our specialist Income team to see what further advice and support may be available on 0800 358 3783 or
Repairs and maintenance
To report a repair to your home please contact us on 0800 358 3783 or
If your heating and hot water is supplied by the council through a communal system, and you are having difficulties with payments please get in contact with us as soon as possible. Contact us at 0800 358 3783 or
Published: 11 February 2025
Last updated: 11 February 2025