Advice for private renters
Energy saving advice and support for residents who rent their home from a private landlord.
As a private renter you have rights to a warm and healthy home and there are protections and support to help you with this.
Housing Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards
The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) set a minimum energy efficiency level for domestic private rented properties. Landlords can no longer let or continue to let properties if they have an EPC rating below E, unless they have a valid exemption in place. The government has announced that the minimum EPC rating will increase to “C” by 2030.
Healthy homes check
We work with landlords and tenants to ensure rental properties meet Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) and will take enforcement action against the minority of landlords that do not meet their obligations.
If you are a private tenant and your home has problems with heating, poor insulation and energy efficiency, please report your housing issue and an officer will be in touch to discuss your issue.
Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme
The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a government scheme requiring some energy suppliers to help with the cost of improving a home's energy efficiency. Suppliers are required to provide grants to pay the whole cost or some of the cost of improvements including insulation.
The scheme requires households to be low income and experiencing some kind of vulnerability or fuel poverty. Eligibility is based on the resident’s circumstances, not the landlords, however landlord permission is essential. To find out if you are eligible, contact any of the obligated energy suppliers. They do not need to be your energy provider.
Find out more about the Energy Company Obligation.
Great British Insulation Scheme
The Great British Insulation Scheme provides free or cheaper insulation to reduce your home’s energy bills.
You might get support if your home has an energy performance certificate (EPC) of D to G and is in Council Tax bands A-D.
Published: 11 February 2025
Last updated: 6 March 2025