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Learning Disability Network London

About the service

Learning Disability Network London(link is external) is a charity that supports adults and children with learning disabilities and their families across London. They provide different levels of support, from a few hours a week to round-the-clock care.

Services include supported living, domiciliary care, outreach, respite, family and community support.

Support for five-year-olds and under and their families

The Early Help Advice service provides information on available services, helps parents navigate the education, health, and care plan process, and can act as a point of contact for clinicians and social workers.

Portage is a home-visiting educational service for preschool children with SEND and their families. It aims to enable children to reach their full potential and families to have a better quality of life.

The network works with families to help them develop a quality of life and experience for themselves and their young children. They can learn, play, participate, and be included in their community.

The service offers free home visits to deliver Portage service to children in their early years (five and under) with any delay, educational difficulty, or disability. There is support for children with or without a diagnosis.

Support for those aged 25 and under and their families

Family Support Service offers support to families with children and young adults up to the age of 25 with special educational needs and disabilities. There is also support for parent carers of adults with learning disabilities in Westminster. Support can be long-term or one-off, and the LDN London team can visit families in their own homes or at other community-based sites, including LDN Community Hub Westminster.

How to access the service

To refer yourself to family services, complete the referral form by visiting the LDN London website(link is external).

To refer yourself to the early help advice service, complete the referral form on the LDN London website.(link is external)

To access the Community Hub, please complete this form(link is external). Attendance at The Hub is free, and you are welcome to drop in at any time. After participating in a few sessions, you'll be invited to join the Community Hub. Membership is free and provides access to special events.


Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.

Contact details

Phone: 020 8968 2682

Visit the Learning Disability Network London website(link is external)

Published: 19 August 2024

Last updated: 28 August 2024