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Measles, what you need to know

Information about measles and what to do if you suspect your child may have measles infection.

Measles spreads very easily – it is five times more infectious than COVID-19. Measles can cause very serious illnesses like meningitis and sepsis and could result in permanent disabilities such as blindness. Many people who catch measles are likely to be hospitalised.

Symptoms of measles

Measles usually starts with cold-like symptoms, followed by a rash a few days later. Some people may also get small spots in their mouth.

Other symptoms include:

  • high fever 
  • sore, red, watery eyes 
  • coughing 
  • aching and feeling generally unwell  
  • a blotchy red-brown rash, which usually appears after the initial symptoms 
  • small white spots in the mouth 

It's very unlikely to be measles if the child has had both doses of the MMR vaccine or they have had had measles before. 

What to do if you think you or your child has measles

  • Stay away from school, nursery, work or group activities with others. 

  • Telephone your GP or call NHS 111. To prevent further spread of infection please do not visit the GP surgery or A&E in person unless advised to do so. 

  • People who have symptoms should also especially try to stay away from vulnerable people such as babies, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems. 

  • People who have not been fully vaccinated with the MMR vaccine and have been in close contact with a measles case may be asked to stay away from work or school for up to 21 days to prevent the further spread of infection.

Protection against measles

You can protect yourself or your child against measles by having two doses of the combined MMR vaccine for mumps, measles and rubella. The MMR vaccine is safe and effective. Two doses give 99% lifelong protection. 

Children are usually offered the first dose of MMR when they are about 13 months old and a second dose at three years and four months. It's not too late to catch up if you or your child have not received the MMR vaccine. 

If you are unsure whether you or your child has been vaccinated, please call your GP practice or check your child's red book. 

Is there porcine gelatine in the MMR vaccine?

Most healthcare providers in London use the MMR vaccine, which does not contain porcine gelatine.  

This vaccine is called Priorix. If it's important for you to have this vaccine, make sure you ask your GP about it. The school immunisations team only use Priorix. 

More information

The following NHS webpages have useful information on measles and the MMR vaccine: 

The NHS measles webpage(link is external) 

The NHS MMR vaccine webpage(link is external) 

Or you can call the NHS School Immunisations team on: 0203 317 5076. 

Published: 25 January 2024

Last updated: 26 January 2024