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Support services

Explore the range of support services available in Westminster.

Help and support with rising energy costs

With energy prices set to increase across the country, we know that many people will be worried about rising expenses, and we want to provide as much support as possible to our residents.

A range of support and guidance is available if you're struggling with your energy bills, concerned about rising energy prices, or would like further information on how you can cut your energy use at home.

Quick energy-saving tips

There are lots of low or no-cost actions that you can take around the home to reduce energy usage and save money. Information on what you can do and how much you can save can be found by visiting:

Local energy advice

Westminster Citizen's Advice

Citizens Advice Westminster offers specialist energy advice to Westminster residents as part of the Big Energy Saving Network. They can provide tips to help you check, switch and save on your energy bills, advice on how to resolve issues with your energy supplier, and support applying for energy grants if eligible. They offer energy-saving workshops and one-to-one appointments.

You now have the option to contact Westminster Citizen's advice though through their online enquiry form(link is external)

You can also phone them on 0808 278 7834.

Council services

Green Doctor

The Green Doctors offer free help to people with low household incomes of around £21500, although households with people over 65 or with a long-term health condition or disability may be prioritised.

They will:

  • explain how to make your home energy-efficient
  • install energy-saving devices
  • offer impartial advice on switching energy providers to save money
  • give you income support and debt advice
  • connect you with other health services

To make a referral for an initial phone consultation, fill in the Green Doctor referral form(link is external). They can then arrange a visit to your home to assess how they can help you.

Westminster Home Improvement Agency

Westminster Home Improvement Agency supports vulnerable residents in maintaining independence and living comfortably and safely in their own homes. It is available to anyone over 60 or receiving a disability benefit.

The services include:

  • providing advice and assistance with repairs, improvements and adaptations for clients whose homes require works. This includes those who find their homes cold in the winter months.
  • applying for financial grant aid on your behalf for works recommended by occupational therapists

Find more information about the Westminster Home Improvement Agency (WHIA)

Westminster Handyperson Service

Westminster residents aged over 60 or in receipt of disability benefit can request free help from a handyperson. The service covers minor works to your home, such as replacing light bulbs, and other DIY jobs.

Find further information about the Handyperson service

Financial support

Westminster Local Support Payment

You may be entitled to a Local Support Payment if you need help during an emergency or crisis. These payments are not given as cash, so they cannot be used to pay for energy costs, but they can provide short-term assistance in the form of goods or vouchers for residents who are struggling due to an emergency.

Find more information about the Local Support Payment.

Support from Energy Companies

If you’re struggling to afford your gas and electricity bills, contact your supplier to discuss ways to pay what you owe them. Suppliers must work with you to agree on a payment plan you can afford under Ofgem rules. This includes reviewing a plan you have agreed before. Contact your supplier as soon as you can if you are worried about paying your energy bills. They have agreed emergency measures with the government during the pandemic, including fresh commitments(link is external) to support people most in need this winter. 

You can ask for:

  • a review of your payments and debt repayments
  • payment breaks or reductions 
  • more time to pay
  • access to hardship funds
  • Priority Service registration – a free support service if you are in a vulnerable situation.

The Government have also introduced the Energy Price Cap (Energy price cap | Ofgem), which limits the amount energy companies are able to charge customers for energy. If you have any concerns or queries about this, please contact your energy provider, or, alternatively, OFGEM – the industry regulator.

If you Heating and Hot Water is supplied by one of our heat networks and you are struggling to make payment as part of your rent or service charges, please contact either the Income team for tenants or the Leasehold team for leaseholders to discuss your charges and a plan for repayment.

The Energy Price Cap is not applicable to residents on a communal heating system, however the Government does have another scheme called the Energy Bill Discount Scheme (EBDS). All of our communal systems are currently registered for the EBDS and we are waiting to find whether we are eligible to receive the discount. If we are, that discount will be applied to Westminster City Council, and we will then be able to pass it on to residents.

National support schemes

You may also qualify for further support towards your energy bills, if you meet certain eligibility criteria.

  • Winter Fuel Payment – a £100 to £300 fuel payment for people born on or before 5 October 1954. 
  • Cold Weather Payment – a £25 payment for every seven days of very cold weather between November and March. 
  • Warm Home Discount – a £140 discount for some people getting Pension Credit or some people in low-income households.
  • London Support schemes  -  free heating, insulation and ventilation improvements for low-income Londoners who own their own homes or rent privately.

Your rights - what to know if your provider fails

If your energy supplier fails or exits the market, the energy regulator Ofgem has processes in place to ensure your gas and electricity supply will continue. 

A new supplier will be appointed for you, and any credit you may be owed on your household energy will also be returned. You shouldn't switch to another supplier until a new one has been appointed.

Once this happens, your new supplier will likely put you on a special 'deemed' contract when they take on your supply. This is a contract you haven't chosen and may cost more than your old tariff, so your bills could go up.

Once contacted by the new supplier, ask to be put on their cheapest tariff or check if you can save by switching to a new supplier. You won't be charged exit fees.

For further advice, visit:

Energy Cafes

Morgan Sindall Property Services (MSPS), a repair and maintenance contractor for Westminster City Council, delivers a programme of support and advice sessions to WCC residents on energy awareness.
Find out more about the energy advice sessions and how you can get in contact.

Energy switching

Switching your energy provider could be a good way of saving money on your energy bills. There are a number of ways to do this:

Smart Meters

Energy suppliers are rolling out the next generation of gas and electricity meters, called smart meters. These are provided at no up-front cost from energy providers and offer automated meter reading, and end to estimated bills and live in-home display of your energy use and costs.

For further information on smart meters, visit:

Published: 11 June 2024

Last updated: 20 August 2024