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Shape the housing service

These groups represent all residents living in Westminster housing. They scrutinise the service and help plan future developments.

Resident Forum

The Resident Forum is a monthly forum open to all residents and is chaired by a member of the Resident Panel.  It is not the place to report local issues, but to recognise common challenges and opportunities across everyone living in Westminster housing. At the Forum residents get updates from the housing service, they monitor performance measures and offer constructive challenge and scrutiny.

The Forum is open to our wider community, you can join online or in person. The agenda is shaped by the Resident Panel with each meeting focussing on a different theme.

Resident Forum information sheet. PDF, 270.07 KB, 2 pages

Why should you take part? 

  • Hear updates from the Cabinet Member for Housing Services and senior staff about key developments and performance in housing. 
  • A chance to ask questions and challenge. 
  • Meet other residents who are interested in making a difference.

How to sign up? 

If you are a Westminster Housing resident, you can sign up to attend a Resident Forum meeting.  

To make sure that the meetings are manageable, there is a maximum of 85 places at each meeting. You will need to sign up in advance to attend. We would also ask you to submit questions in advance, although we also try to answer questions on the night. 

At every meeting, we make sure that there is a balance of tenants and leaseholders and that we have a representative group of residents.  

Time commitment 

2 to 3 hours per meeting. You can come to meetings regularly, or as a one-off. 

Future meetings 

  • Wednesday 30 October 2024
  • Tuesday 19 November 2024
  • Wednesday 29 January 2025
  • Wednesday 26 February 2025
  • Wednesday 26 March 2025
  • Wednesday 30 April 2025

Register for our October Resident Forum

Previous meetings

Read notes from previous meetings of the Resident Forum:

June 2024 Resident Forum notes PDF, 179.57 KB, 3 pages
May 2024 Resident Forum notes PDF, 183.06 KB, 3 pages
April 2024 Resident Forum notes PDF, 156.61 KB, 3 pages

Resident Panel

This is a group of up to 20 residents who provide scrutiny and monitoring of housing service updates and performance, and act as a critical friend to the housing service, offering constructive feedback and challenge to help drive improvements. They steer the Resident Forum, chairing the Forum and setting the agenda for future meetings.

The Panel represents all of Westminster, rather than individual estates and they reflect the diversity of Westminster residents. The existing members of the Resident Panel have a formal job description and in November the Service will be going out for recruitment to nominate new members to the Resident Panel.  

There is a rolling recruitment to the Panel, to ensure that there are opportunities for new voices in the group. Recruitment is through an application and interview with officers and residents.  

Read the job description for a panel member:


Why should you take part? 

  • You will help to lead the direction of the Housing service 
  • Work collaboratively with officers 
  • Develop new skills 
  • Access training and attend conferences 
  • List the experience on your CV 

Time commitment 

Monthly Resident Forum meetings, but in between meetings, you might have to attend additional planning sessions and read documents. 

Approximately 10 to 12 hours per month. 

Resident Association Chairs Group

Our chairs group is open to the elected chairs or a nominated person from each local resident group. The chairs group meet quarterly. These meetings are a valuable networking and peer support forum for local leaders. Chairs and other RA representatives share challenges, successes and ideas for running an effective Resident Association. 

The chairs group also provides an opportunity for resident group leaders to give feedback and suggest improvements to the housing service. 

If you are a leader of a Resident Association and your group is not yet attending the chairs group, please click here.  

Time commitment 

2 to 3 hours every three months. 

Published: 18 April 2024

Last updated: 26 September 2024