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Shaping the future of nightlife in Westminster.

Westminster After Dark

Westminster After Dark: an inclusive and dynamic city

We are excited to introduce the draft Westminster After Dark Strategy 2025-2040, our bold vision for a safer, accessible, and more inclusive city between 6pm and 6am.

This strategy is designed to balance the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors, ensuring Westminster remains a thriving destination for culture, nightlife, and community life.

We have engaged extensively with stakeholders to understand what Westminster After Dark means to them and their aspirations for its future. Residents, businesses, and partners have all contributed, and their voices have shaped this draft strategy.

Now, we want to hear from you.

Read the strategy and take part in our consultation to help shape the future of Westminster's evening and night-time environment.

Read our new Westminster After Dark plan and have your say


Delivering this strategy

To turn this vision into reality, we will publish an Implementation Plan alongside the final strategy later this year, outlining clear actions and commitments for its delivery. We wanted to share some of these proposed actions and welcome your feedback on them and ideas for additional steps we should take. 

Have your say on our Strategy and Implementation Plan(link is external) 

Strategy supporting documents

As part of our engagement process, which took place between October 2023 and July 2024, we sought to better understand the evening and night-time environment in Westminster through a diverse range of stakeholder input. 

We have built our draft strategy based on the feedback received from our communities, as well as research findings. These documents include detailed reports from various engagement activities such as the Stakeholder Assembly and an on-street survey. Alongside these, we have included research outcomes from the Cumulative Impact Assessment and the Women's Night Audits. 

We want to ensure everyone has a comprehensive understanding of how we used the engagement and research outcomes to inform the development of the draft strategy. To learn more, please download the documents below:

Westminster women's safety audit PDF, 2.06 MB, 48 pages
Women's safety audit, Victoria PDF, 1.22 MB, 11 pages
2023 Cumulative Impact Assessment PDF, 13.41 MB, 132 pages