Digital imaging and printing
See our charges for photographic prints or digital files of most of the images in our collections that can be purchased.
Westminster Archives holds over 70,000 prints, watercolours and photographs of Westminster, Marylebone and Paddington.
The images are indexed in a card catalogue in our Search Room. But several thousand have been digitised and can be previewed via our online archives catalogue WESTCAT.
Photographic prints or digital files of most of the images in the collections can be purchased. Charges are shown below. If you would like to discuss your requirements, please contact the Archives Centre.
Self-service photography
If you wish to use your own digital camera in the search room, we charge £6 for up to 10 images for personal use and £15 for up to 10 images for commercial use. You will be asked to fill in a form to declare usage. Note that this charge does not entitle you to reproduce the images, and reproduction fees will still apply. Please contact the Archives Centre for an application form if you require any of these services.
Digital prints
Request | Price |
Request Print up to A4 size |
Price £9.50 |
Request Print up to A3 size |
Price £19 |
Digital files
Request | Price |
Request Low Resolution (web/online use, typical size 500k) |
Price £10.50 |
Request Medium Resolution (standard reproduction, typical size 20mb) |
Price £16 |
Request High Resolution (highest quality reproduction, typical size 50mb) |
Price £21 |
Request Archive Digital Files on CD |
Price £4.30 |
Request Archive Digital Files on USB (additional charges apply for blank USB) |
Price £3 |
In addition to the cost of digital files. Low-resolution images for web or online use can be emailed. Be aware that all images supplied are for personal use only. A reproduction fee may be charged if you intend to use the images in a publication or other products; please see the reproduction section below.
UK postage and packaging
Request | Price |
Request Prints, A4 |
Price £5 |
Request Prints, A3 |
Price £8.50 |
For overseas postage and packing, please ask for a quotation.
To order a digital image and/or request reproduction, please fill in the form below and email it to
Should you wish to reproduce an image in a publication or other products, we offer competitive reproduction charges:
Reproduction Fees
In common with all other libraries, museums and art galleries, the City of Westminster Archives Centre possesses the right to authorise the photographic reproduction of prints, drawings, maps, manuscripts, paintings etc. In return for the grant of reproduction rights, the fees listed below are charged. These fees are intended as guidelines and may be subject to alteration at the discretion of the Archives Manager.
Published: 4 January 2021
Last updated: 2 May 2024