Community halls
Venue information and opening times for community halls in Westminster.
Amberley Clubroom
Opening times and venue information.
Barrow Hill Village Club
Opening times and venue information.
Churchill Hall
This hall is managed by the Resident’s Association
Derry Hall
Opening times and venue information.
Dryburgh Community Hall
Opening times and venue information.
Greenside Community Centre
Opening times and venue information.
Grosvenor Hall
Opening times and venue information.
Lillington Gardens Hall
This hall is managed by the Resident’s Association
Lydford Tenants and Residents Hall
Opening times and venue information.
Pickering Hall
Opening times and venue information.
Queens Park Court Community Hall
Opening times and venue information.
St Judes Community Hall
Opening times and venue information.
Tollgate Gardens Community Centre
Opening times and venue information.
Wharncliffe Gardens Community Hall
Opening times and venue information.