About Westminster Connects
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, local people and groups asked us how they could help in their communities. In response, we set up Westminster Connects to co-ordinate volunteers with Westminster residents that need help.
Westminster Connects is continuing to support vulnerable residents as well as charities who are grateful for all the support they get through volunteers. We are as always humbled by the amazing community spirit of Westminster’s residents and their willingness to help others.
Sign up to the Westminster Connects volunteering platform, and find all available volunteering opportunities.
Mehmet's volunteering story
Volunteering is not a big thing in my country. It was the first experience for me, after one year working as a volunteer with many organisations, I realized that it is so beneficial to everyone. The best thing is that you can feel we are all together, even though life is getting hard for all of us.
Contact us
General enquiries
Westminster Connects volunteering service helps to connect individuals and organisations that want to help those who need support.
For more information, please email communitywestminsterconnects@westminster.gov.uk
Core Service
Westminster Connects is here to support residents with care and support needs. Our core service offer includes a shopping, walking companions and gardening service.
If you would like to volunteer for any of these services, refer a resident, or have a query, please contact us:
- for our walking companions, dog walking and dog fostering service, please email westminsterconnectsreferrals@westminster.gov.uk
- for our shopping service, please email westminsterconnectsshopping@westminster.gov.uk
- for our gardening service, please email westminsterconnectsgardening@westminster.gov.uk
- for volunteering at events, please email westminsterconnectsevents@westminster.gov.uk
- for anything else to do with Westminster Connects, please email communitywestminsterconnects@westminster.gov.uk
Due to a number of volunteering projects that we are delivering over the festive season (including the annual Sir Simon Milton Foundation Tea Dance and delivering 800 Christmas hampers to vulnerable residents in the community) and arranging cover volunteers for residents whose regular volunteers are travelling over the holiday - we will not be accepting referrals for our core services between Friday 8 November 2024 and Friday 6 January 2025. Please do not refer to us during this time; we will resume accepting referrals in the new year. However, we will continue delivering the service to our existing cohort of service users.