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Premises licence: transfer a premises licence

Find out more about how to apply to transfer a premises licence to a new licence holder

How to apply

If you wish to take over a premises licence either as an individual or company, you must first get consent from the existing licence holder to prove that they agree to the transfer. If you can’t get consent, you must provide proof that all reasonable steps have been taken to obtain that consent.

Download the consent form

If you’re applying as an individual, you must also provide proof that you have the right to work in the UK and are not subject to a condition preventing you from doing work relating to the licensable activity. This is applicable to all individual applicants, including those born in the UK. If you do not submit your proof document or share code, we cannot process your application.

The application fee to transfer a premises licence is £23.

Apply to transfer a licence to a new licence

If we receive a relevant representation within 14 days, we will schedule the application for a hearing to determine the outcome of your application. We would contact you directly in this case.

If we don’t receive any representations, the transfer will take effect from the date you have specified in your application and we will send you the updated premises licence.

Published: 28 June 2021

Last updated: 2 January 2025