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Film classification requests

If you want to exhibit a film within Westminster, you may require a classification from the Licensing Authority.

Schedule 1 of the Licensing Act 2003 (the Act) sets out what activities are regarded as the provision of regulated entertainment. The description of entertainment activities licensable under the Act include the exhibition of film. To be licensable, an activity needs to be provided for the purpose of entertaining an audience; has to be held on premises made available for the purpose of enabling that activity; and must also either:

  • take place in the presence of a public audience, or
  • where that activity takes place in private, be the subject of a charge made with a view to profit. 

If you're a film maker or promoter, you can apply to either:

Apply for a film classification

To apply for a classification of a film to be shown in Westminster, you must complete the application form below. We can only guarantee a film will be classified in time for it to be exhibited if the request is received at least 4 weeks before the date of a film screening for individual films, and at least 6 weeks before the date of any film festival. 

You must:

  • complete the film classification application form and ensure it is within the deadline for submission,
  • provide a full copy of the film, together with a written synopsis and proposed age classification, 
  • agree to pay the relevant fees,
  • agree to exhibition rules below, 
  • agree to us retaining a copy of the film.

Once completed, please send your application form through to us at sends email)


You will be required to pay an application fee and a film viewing fee: 

Type of film Application fee Film viewing fee
Type of film
Standard film 
Application fee
Film viewing fee
£1.60 per minute
Type of film
Film festival (1 to 25 films)
Application fee
Film viewing fee
£1.60 per minute
Type of film
Film festival (26 to 50 films)
Application fee
Film viewing fee
£1.60 per minute
Type of film
Film festival (51 or more films)
Application fee
Film viewing fee
£1.60 per minute
Type of film
Foreign language feature film with subtitles
Application fee
Film viewing fee
£1.60 per minute
Type of film
Administration fee applicable to additional requests
Application fee
Film viewing fee

Reconsideration of the film classification decision

Type of film Film viewing fee
Type of film
Standard film
Film viewing fee
£1.85 per minute

Once your application is received, we will contact you for the appropriate payment.  

Exhibition rules

To exhibit films under the terms of this classification process, the applicant will need to confirm their agreement to the specific requirements relating to exhibiting the film and the information that will be provided to customers attending the film. These requirements are:

  • the film that is exhibited on a licensed premises will be the same as the version presented and classified by the Licensing Authority. 
  • the classification certificate will be displayed either on the screen prior to the film exhibition or on the entrance to the room or premises where the film is being exhibited. If the certificate is displayed at the entrance to the room or premises then it must be on display prior to customers being permitted to enter and remain on display until the exhibition of the film has concluded.
  • no one aged below the age classification will be permitted to watch the film.
  • no one under the age of 12 will be permitted into a 12A film without an adult. 

Published: 3 December 2021

Last updated: 5 December 2022