City of Westminster elects new Lord Mayor
Westminster City Council has elected Councillor Jonathan Glanz to be the new Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Westminster.

Westminster City Council has elected Councillor Jonathan Glanz to be the new Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Westminster.
Due to the lockdown restrictions of Covid-19, last night (Wednesday 20th May) Cllr Glanz was elected the new Lord Mayor of Westminster in a virtual Mayor Making ceremony.
Cllr Glanz was first elected in 2009 to represent West End Ward. He has served in the Cabinet for the
Council and as Chairman of the Audit and Performance Committee and the Policy and Scrutiny Committees, among others. He has also been the Lead Member for Broadband and Connectivity, transforming the position of the Council from 638th of the 650 constituencies in the UK to being in the top 10.
Attendees witnessed the virtual election and transfer of office from Cllr Ruth Bush to Cllr Glanz, as Cllr Glanz made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
The Lord Mayor of Westminster Cllr Jonathan Glanz said:
"I am thrilled to be taking on this new role as Lord Mayor and look forward to celebrating everything we have to offer in this vibrant city.
“While the world we currently live in is different due to Covid-19, I want to make sure everyone in Westminster feels fully supported by us during this uncertain time.
“I have already been championing connectivity during my time at the Council as Lead member of Broadband and Connectivity. One of my main aims during my time as Lord Mayor is inclusion so all those people who live, work and visit Westminster have equal opportunities in the world-class services we have to offer.”
Councillor Ruth Bush, the outgoing Lord Mayor of Westminster said:
“I have had a remarkable year as Lord Mayor of Westminster and have met many inspiring people, in all walks of life, who are making a real difference to the people of this city.
“I thank the Majority Party on the Council for making the historic change to having a Lord Mayor elected from the Minority Party. It has been a delight to work with the team in the Lord Mayor’s Office, and other staff at City Hall. I look forward to seeing everyone again in person, once it is safe for us to meet. Meanwhile, please remember my ‘Lord Mayor’s STOMP’ - pick up the phone and Speak To One More Person!”
Westminster has had an elected mayor since its creation as a Metropolitan Borough in 1900. When the borough became the City of Westminster in 1965, it had its first Lord Mayor – Sir Charles Norton.
The Lord Mayor of Westminster is the ceremonial, non-partisan and non-executive First Citizen of Westminster. They are elected annually from among Westminster’s councillors and chair all Full Council meetings.
It has also been announced that Centrepoint have been chosen by Cllr Glanz to be the beneficiary charity of his Mayoral term in office. Cllr Glanz will help raise funds for the charity and work with homeless young people in Westminster.
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Lord Mayor’s Charity Appeal Fundraising Page
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The Role of Lord Mayor of Westminster
The Lord Mayor of Westminster is the ceremonial, non-partisan and non-executive First Citizen of Westminster. He/she is elected annually from among the City Councillors and chairs all Full Council Meetings. In addition, the Lord Mayor traditionally undertakes the following duties:
- celebrating the achievements of Westminster’s citizens and communities;
- supporting the City’s diverse communities;
- promoting Westminster locally, nationally and internationally; and
- representing Westminster at important civic and ceremonial events.
Published: 21 May 2020