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A new approach to homelessness in Westminster


Westminster City Council is asking for the public’s views on its new homelessness and rough sleeping strategy.

Homelessness in London reflects a national issue that cannot be solved alone. With 1 in 50 households experiencing homelessness, there is a need to address the factors at the heart of the issue.

The council is taking action through a new homelessness and rough sleeping strategy that puts prevention at the heart of it – and are asking the public for their views on the plan.

This strategy comes at a time of desperate need for many households. There are also extreme pressures on services and an unprecedented demand and rising costs of temporary accommodation. In 2023/24, 5,500 households approached the council for help with homelessness and it's expected that this number could rise by a further 19% in the next two years. The approach taken in the new strategy is based on the current demand, lived experiences of homelessness and discussions with partners.

Changes to the current approach include:

  • Creating a more joined up approach by working with public services such as GP surgeries, schools and libraries to identify vulnerable people before they become homeless.
  • Better use of data to target people at risk of homelessness
  • Strengthening partnership working across London and with the voluntary and community sector
  • Providing more practical and rapid support to single homeless people
  • Better joining up services for non-UK nationals
  • Designing services to be more empathetic and better support people experiencing multiple disadvantage and trauma.

In recognition of the need for a more joined up approach, the council aims to work with public services such as GP surgeries, schools and libraries to identify vulnerable people as early as possible and act in tandem before they reach the point of homelessness.

In addition to creating a strategy the council aims to work with the government to address what is a national issue through creating a funding formula that meets the true cost of providing temporary accommodation and improving the quality and security of the private rented sector.

The council intends to work with local, regional and national partners to achieve its vision of ending rough sleeping.

Alongside the new strategy, the council is also reviewing how we allocate social housing to make sure it is as fair as possible and bringing some of our homelessness advice and support services under direct council control.

Cllr Liza Begum, Cabinet Member for Housing Services said:

“Part of our commitment to creating Fairer Housing in Westminster is to address the root causes of homelessness. Homelessness and rough sleeping are huge issues for some of our residents and we’re aware that the situation requires meaningful change to address issues that lead to homelessness.

“This strategy sets out how we intend to put people first through our interventions and we hope that our residents will be able to share their views.”


The consultation closes on 10 November 2024. Have your say here


Notes to Editors

  • On 30 September 2024 Westminster is launching a consultation on its Homelessness and Rough Sleeping strategy.
  • Westminster is part of the pan-London Charter to End Rough Sleeping.

Published: 30 September 2024