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Westminster launches Greening and Biodiversity Strategy

Honeybee standing on a pink flower


Westminster City Council has today (20th September) launched its Greening and Biodiversity Strategy, one year since the declaration of an Ecological Emergency in the city. 

On the launch of the document, Councillor Ryan Jude, Cabinet Member for Ecology and Culture, said: 

From Paddington Rec to Green Park, we are lucky that Westminster contains some of London’s most well-loved green spaces and a rich variety of wildlife. But we cannot stand still and continue to see biodiversity levels threatened across our city. 

The council, residents, stakeholders, and visitors all have a responsibility to champion a more sustainable way of living, ensuring these spaces are available to be enjoyed by future generations. The importance of a city with a rich biodiversity must not be underestimated. 

One year on from declaring an Ecological Emergency, this strategy provides a framework for a joint response in upholding good environmental practice and empowering the actions of all. We have made great strides so far in protecting and enhancing biodiversity in the city since declaring the Ecological Emergency. We now have an exciting opportunity to continue to deliver a truly Fairer Environment. 

If we all work together, I am confident we can improve biodiversity throughout Westminster, benefitting all our communities. 

Matthew Gould, CEO of ZSL: 

If we want people to flourish, then we need nature to flourish.   At the global scale it’s vital if we want to tackle biodiversity loss and climate change.  At the local level, it’s essential for human wellbeing. 

ZSL is working in over 80 countries, using science to restore species, protect local habitats and help people live alongside wildlife.  But we are as focused on biodiversity at home as around the world. So we’re proud to work with Westminster City Council on a host of projects, such the Westminster Anchor Alliance, to bring greener, healthier spaces to all Westminster’s residents.” 

The Wild West End Partnership added: 

The near 10-year collaboration of the Wild West End partners has assisted in raising the bar for the delivery of green space and biodiversity in the West End, through the initiatives sharing of best practice, learned lessons and new innovation. 

The connectivity between the Royal Parks as well as public and privately owned gardens has increased significantly, in a way which wouldn’t have been possible without the combined and cumulative effort of all those involved. 

The principle has always remained simple, to have a coordinated approach across the West End to delivering the highest quality, most biodiverse green space possible to the benefit of bats, birds, bees alongside creating spaces that people want to dwell in.” 

Read the full Greening and Biodiversity Strategy.

Published: 20 September 2024