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Queen’s Park canalside improvement works

Information about the proposals to improve the area around the canal in Queen's Park.

With funding from the Greater London Authority’s Good Growth Fund, we have commissioned a multi-disciplinary team to design and deliver public space improvements to the canalside area in front of the Queen’s Park Library.

About the proposals

From 2021, we have been working with residents and local stakeholders to understand their needs and aspirations to arrive at a shared vision and design. 

The design is built on three key objectives.

  1. To create more space for the community by creating an outdoor living room with new seating next to the water and an enhanced library forecourt.
  2. To ensure access for all by adding accessibility ramps, an expanded pedestrian crossing, and a clear and inviting entrance to the canalside park.
  3. To improve the landscape by repairing the canal wall, adding biodiverse planting and new reedbeds. 

Canal wall repair works have now begun on site with the first stage of the wider public realm works starting in September 2024. 

Artist renders

We are working to create a new canalside park for all to enjoy. View how the canalside is proposed to look once works have finished:

An artist impression of the proposals for Queen's Park canalside with lots of new landscaping and improvement pathways


Artists impression of Canal riverside – Queen’s Park

Concept visualisation, implementation subject to technical feasibility.

Contact us

If you have questions or are interested in learning more about the programme we would love to hear from you.

Please get in touch by emailing sends email)

Mayor of London logo which says 'supported Mayor of London'

Published: 24 May 2024

Last updated: 23 October 2024