Coach parking
There are a total of 68 coach parking bays in Westminster.
Who can park in a coach bay?
Any motor vehicle containing eight or more seats exclusive of the driver can park in a coach bay.
When can coaches park and how much does it cost?
Day | Cost |
Day Monday to Friday |
Cost £4 per hour from 8.30am to 6.30pm and then free until midnight |
Day Saturday |
Cost £4 per hour from 8.30am to 1.30pm and then free until midnight |
Day Sunday |
Cost Free |
Find out how to pay on our Visitor Parking page. Alternatively, coach Parking Cards are available from Westminster libraries, which allow parking in all coach pay-to-park bays city-wide, except Bulleid Way.
At the following coach parking bays, parking is not permitted from midnight to 8am on any day:
- Bishop’s Bridge Road W2 (two bays)
- Eastbourne Terrace W2 (four bays)
- Kingsway WC2 (16 bays)
- Millbank SW1 (five bays)
- Park Lane SW1 (17 bays)
- Temple Place WC2 (two bays)
- Tothill Street SW1 (six bays)
- Victoria Embankment SW1 (12 bays)
If any other type of vehicle is parked in these bays from 8:30am to midnight, a parking ticket may be issued.
At the Green Line Express Coach Terminal, Bulleid Way, Victoria, the City Council permits overnight paid for parking on eight clearly marked and sign-plated coach parking bays on the east side of the site. The hours of control are 8pm to 8am Monday to Sunday for a fixed pay-to-park charge of £10.
Published: 20 January 2021
Last updated: 25 January 2024