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Dealing with parking debt

What to do if you have been contacted by the Marston Group about a debt related to parking.

If a protected characteristic, listed in the Equality Act 2010, or another condition makes it difficult for you to challenge or pay your Penalty Charge Notice, we will be happy to consider what reasonable adjustments we can make to assist. To request an adjustment please email sends email) or call our Parking Services Team on 0207 823 4567.

Marston Group Ltd

Marston Group Ltd are a Debt Management and Bailiff company working on behalf of the City of Westminster to recover payment of unpaid Penalty Charge Notices.

We use Marston prior to registering the matter as a debt at the County Court and after the issue of a warrant of control at the County Court. If you receive correspondence you will need to contact them in order to arrange payment.

Pre-County Court registration letters

If Marston contact you prior to County Court registration the value of the outstanding payment will either be £120 or £195 depending on the value of the original charge, minus any payment already made.

A reminder letter is sent following the issue of the Charge Certificate. If the charge is still not settled, the debt will be registered at the County Court and an Order for Recovery sent; this the final notice before bailiff action.

The Order for Recovery gives the registered keeper of the vehicle the opportunity of either paying in settlement or if applicable filing a Witness Statement under one of the following four grounds:

  • I did not receive the Notice to Owner/Penalty Charge Notice (Parking contravention)
  • I made Representations about the penalty charge to the enforcing authority concerned within 28 days of the service of the Notice to Owner/postal Penalty Charge Notice, but did not receive a rejection notice
  • I appealed against the Local Authority's decision to reject my representation within 28 days service of the rejection notice but I had no response to my appeal
  • the penalty charge has been paid in full

If one of the grounds applies, you may submit a Witness Statement to Northampton County Court. However, if a Witness Statement is made falsely, proceedings for contempt may be brought against you.

If you have grounds to file a Witness Statement you will have to wait for registration at County Court to take place and an Order for Recovery to be sent to you. The County Court will not accept a Witness Statement prior to registration.

If you would like to discuss the process for submitting a witness statement you can contact the Traffic Enforcement Centre, at Northampton County Court, on: 0300 123 1059.

Letters received following warrant issue

If you fail to pay or file a Witness Statement, we will apply to the County Court for a Warrant of Control and Marston will commence recovery that may result in a certified bailiff attending your property to recover the debt.

Once a Warrant has been issued, Marston will write to you informing you that additional charges have been incurred and that, unless payment is made in final settlement, a bailiff will be allocated to collect the debt which will add significant additional charges.

The charges that can be applied by bailiffs are in line with applicable legislation and bailiffs are empowered to remove goods to the value of the outstanding debt.

If you receive a letter from Marston after the issue of a Warrant of Control you should contact them immediately and arrange to settle the debt to prevent incurring additional costs.

If the debt remains unpaid, Marston may use subcontracted debt recovery companies such as CDER Group, Engage and Scott & Co, to pursue the debt.

To find out why Parking Services needs to collect and store personal data, how this is used and your rights to access your information, please refer to our privacy notice.

Published: 21 January 2021

Last updated: 18 December 2024