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Cavendish Square Gardens

Find information about opening times and facilities in Cavendish Square Gardens

Opening times

Open everyday, from 8am. Park closing times vary by the time of year.

About the park

Cavendish Square Gardens is a formal London Square, laid out on a circular pattern enclosed with a perimeter hedge. This pleasant peaceful green space with large Plane Trees and grassy areas providing shade for lunch-goers and visitors on summer days.

Venue notes

Cavendish Square Gardens is wheelchair accessible.

Dogs are welcome at this park.



Cavendish Square
City of Westminster
United Kingdom


Located in the northwest corner of Oxford Circus it was popularised by references to it in books by Charles Dickens, including Nicholas Nickleby, Little Dorrit and Barnaby Rudge.

Cavendish Square was first developed in 1717 by the 2nd Earl of Oxford for his wife Henrietta Cavendish-Hollace and once contained a statue of William Duke of Cumberland who defeated Bonnie Prince Charles at the battle of Culloden.

Published: 29 April 2022

Last updated: 30 April 2024