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Paddington Green and Little Venice canalside public realm improvements

Our vision to improve the public spaces around Paddington Green and Little Venice canalside.

We are launching a new project, working towards improving the public space at Paddington Green and Little Venice canalside for local residents, workers and visitors. 

You're invited to have your say about what is working well, what could be improved, and your priorities for the public realm improvements.

About the project

Paddington Green and Little Venice canalside is one of the areas identified in our recently published Paddington Public Realm Strategy. This strategy aims to transform Paddington’s disconnected neighbourhoods into a vibrant, healthy and inclusive area.

We have appointed the design practice East to take forward these projects and develop them in more detail. They are an award-winning architecture, landscape and urban design practice with experience of a wide range of projects, all aimed at enabling places to be positively experienced, environmentally sustainable and accommodate diverse needs.

Paddington Green

Paddington Green and St Mary’s Churchyard Gardens both have a strong cultural heritage, nestled between St Mary’s Church, the City of Westminster College and Little Venice Sports Centre.

Our vision for Paddington Green is to create a local green space at the heart of the community by:

  • providing a varied and rich landscape
  • creating informal and formal play areas that are inclusive and accessible to all
  • offering exercise opportunities
  • providing a relaxing environment with quiet spaces
  • offering spaces to be together and socialise all year around
  • making it safe and equitable for all

Little Venice canalside

Little Venice canalside has evolved from its industrial roots into a vibrant destination for leisure and commerce, attracting locals, workers and tourists alike.

Our vision for the Little Venice canalside is to enhance its heritage and character by ensuring:

  • all routes and spaces along the canals are accessible to all
  • routes and spaces are easy to navigate and safe
  • integration with a wider green network
  • spaces create a sense of joy, play and fun as well as places to rest, relax and socialise

Project area


The project commenced in July 2024, with an initial process of gathering information about the area, and engaging with different landowners and project stakeholders. We are now beginning the design development process, and we want to hear from you about:

  • what is working well
  • what could be improved
  • your priorities for the public realm improvements

Alongside community and stakeholder engagement, some technical surveys and studies will be conducted to understand the challenges and opportunities for the different sites.

The community and technical feedback will help develop our design vision. Based on this information, the design team will create a range of proposals that differ in degrees of change and ambition. We will present these proposals and gather further feedback from the local community in early 2025.

Throughout this process, your feedback is crucial in shaping these public spaces. We’ll use both community input and technical data to inform our design vision, ensuring the final proposals meet local needs and are deliverable within budget constraints.

Have your say

Please use the interactive comments map at the link below to share your thoughts on how we can make improvements to these spaces. The map will be live for feedback from Tuesday 10 September until Monday 14 October. Your participation is invaluable in shaping the designs for Paddington Green and Little Venice canalside.

Visit Commonplace to have your say

We are also organising three site walks with council officers and you’re invited to attend one of them on:

  • Both sites, Time: 2pm to 4pm, Saturday 21 September, meeting at Rembrandt Gardens
  • Little Venice, 6 to 7pm, Tuesday 1 October, meeting at Rembrandt Gardens
  • Paddington Green, 6pm to 7pm, Wednesday 9 October, meeting at Westminster College

Booking is required to join the walks. Please let us know about any access requirements.

Book to join a walk

Published: 11 September 2024

Last updated: 11 September 2024