Regent’s Park Crown Estate Properties sign up form First name Last name Email address Phone number Address Address Address 2 (optional) City/Town (optional) ZIP/Postal Code I would like to sign up to the food waste recycling service I would like the following delivered to my property: One silver kitchen bin (optional) One roll of food waste liners (optional) I would like someone to visit my property to explain to me how to use the service Yes - I would like someone to visit me at my property (optional) No - I do not want a visit (optional) How did you find out about this food waste recycling service? A leaflet/ letter from the council and CEPC (optional) My neighbour told me about the service (optional) My property manager or managing agent (optional) I have seen the black food waste bins in my area (optional) Social media (optional) Council e-newsletter (optional) Advert in a council magazine (optional) At a council event (optional) The council's website (optional) I have contacted the council’s contact centre or recycling team (optional) Other (optional) Please let us know how you found out about the food waste service (optional) CAPTCHA Read our data protection notice to learn about how the council complies with data protection laws when processing your data. Submit