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Pre-order wedding confetti

If you are getting married at the Old Marylebone Town Hall, you can now pre-order confetti for that all important ‘confetti shot’ on the iconic front steps.  

Our biodegradable confetti costs £2.50 per sachet, or £10 for five sachets. We suggest you'll need one sachet for every guest. 

Number of sachets  Amount to be paid
Number of sachets 
Amount to be paid
Number of sachets 
Amount to be paid
Number of sachets 
Amount to be paid
Number of sachets 
Amount to be paid
Number of sachets 
Amount to be paid
Number of sachets 
Amount to be paid
Number of sachets 
Amount to be paid

When making the payment please use your booking ID as the reference number so that your payment can be located and attached to your booking.

Please fill out the form before you pay. The payment link will be available once you submit the form.

Read our data protection notice to learn about how the council complies with data protection laws when processing your data.