Report it Waste and street cleaning Street washing and spills Missed household recycling and rubbish collection Illegal waste dumping or fly-tipping Dumped bin bags Dog poo Graffiti, posters and stickers Litter Dumped cardboard boxes Street bins Dead animals Noise Noise problem Roads and streets Potholes and road damage Roadworks Street lights Pavement damage Drains Safety fences and barriers Signs and bollards Vehicles, bikes and e-scooters Illegally parked vehicles Abandoned vehicles Engine running unnecessarily Illegal driving Electric vehicle charging point Abandoned bikes Abandoned hire bikes Cycle hangars Abandoned hire e-scooters Animals Dog poo Dead animals Animal or dog nuisance Animal noise Housing Anti-social behaviour Council housing repairs Private rental housing conditions Short-term lets Air and light pollution Smells, smoke or fumes Light pollution Planning breach Contravention of planning regulations Businesses and street entertainment Food safety Street vendors and illegal advertising Busking and street entertainment Parks, open spaces and trees Parks, open spaces and trees