Respond to an empty property request for information Please use this form to response to a request for information about a residential property. Property address Address Address 2 (optional) City/Town (optional) Postcode Your reference number (optional) Your name Your address Address Address 2 (optional) City/Town (optional) Postcode Your email address Your phone number Are you currently a... Leaseholder (optional) Freeholder (optional) Manager or agent (optional) Other… (optional) Enter other… (optional) Is this property currently empty and unoccupied? Yes (optional) No (optional) Please provide the date of when the property was last occupied Expected date on which the property will become occupied again (optional) Steps that are going to be taken, including time line, to bring the empty property back to occupation (optional) Please provide information about the current occupancy Is the property fully furnished? Yes (optional) No (optional) Is the property occupied as a main residence? Yes (optional) No (optional) Please provide any other relevant information (optional) If we require any further information, our empty property officer will contact you. Read our data protection notice to learn about how the council complies with data protection laws when processing your data. Submit