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Helping to end rough sleeping in Westminster

Rough sleeping support

Rough sleeping is the most acute form of homelessness. Losing work, relationship breakdown, traumatic life events, mental ill health, or problems with drugs and alcohol can push people already on the brink into homelessness or rough sleeping.

Together with our charity partners, we work around the clock to offer accommodation and support services that help people leave homelessness behind.

Our services

Our outreach teams work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, helping people sleeping rough off the streets and into accommodation. We commission over 400 supported housing bed spaces and an assessment centre which can sleep up to a further 40.

We also offer a range of housing and outreach support services to support vulnerable people to maintain their independence and prevent rough sleeping, homelessness and unnecessary hospital admission.

Services include day centres and hostels for rough sleepers, specialist supported housing services for people with mental health problems, learning disabilities and young homeless people, and 'floating support' services to support people to maintain their independence in their own home.

We also offer counselling to help people overcome drug and alcohol addiction, befriending services and employment and skills training.

If you would like to help

With your kind donations, our hidden network of dedicated professionals and volunteers can continue transforming the lives of those who need our help the most.

Find out more about donating to our partner charities

If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough please alert StreetLink using their app, or via the StreetLink website(link is external). This alert will help local outreach teams try to connect with those you are worried about.

Our strategy

Our Rough Sleeping Strategy identifies 3 key priorities:

  • prevention
  • supporting people to rebuild their lives
  • intervening to stop dangerous behaviour

Read about our detailed action plan to deliver a significant reduction in rough sleeping and address the harm it brings to individuals and communities in Westminster.

Rough sleeping strategy PDF, 1.65 MB, 15 pages