St Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School: Enford Street School Street
Tackling congestion to improve the environment for everyone walking and cycling around St Mary's Bryanston Square.
About this School Street
This School Street provides a Pedestrian and Cycle Zone along Enford Street between its junction with York Street and Marylebone Road (A501).
Motor vehicle volumes will therefore be reduced between:
- Monday to Friday
- 8am to 9am and 3pm to 4pm
- during term-time only
To inform drivers of the restrictions, advanced warning signs are in place as part of the scheme at the approaches at Enford Street from its junction with York Street.
CCTV enforcement
To further support School Streets, Westminster is planning the installation of CCTV enforcement cameras at this location.
Residents within the School Street area will have retained vehicular access during the times of operation, along with:
- Blue Badge holders
- White Badge holders
- emergency services vehicles
Any queries can still be emailed to
Frequently asked questions
Where else can I park?
Use our parking locator tool and find more information on how you can park within Westminster
Other questions
Read the full list of frequently asked questions about School Streets.
Published: 23 February 2024
Last updated: 24 February 2025