Westminster City Save - promote your business
Promote your business or service to local people by submitting an offer. Over 80,000 people living in Westminster are registered for a Westminster City Save card.
It’s free to feature an offer and you can choose the type of discount that suits you best – whether it’s ongoing or time limited.
Your offer will feature online and may appear in our enewsletter, publications and on social media.
Residents can claim either in person by showing their card or through a discount code for online activation depending on what works best for you.
If you have any questions, please contact citysave@westminster.gov.uk
Facts and figures
The Westminster City Save website receives 9,000 unique page views per month and around 80 people register for a card every week. Our largest audience is aged 25-34 followed by 35-44 and 97% of residents who are aware of Westminster City Save say they find it useful.