Find out about voting, previous election results and the electoral register.
Democracy in Westminster
Find out about our council, councillors, meetings, MPs and our GLA representative and view the Central Register of Councillors.
Elections, referendums and how to vote
Find information about recent and upcoming elections and referendums, as well as registering to vote and other ways to vote.
Register to vote
How to register to vote in local and national elections.
Census 2021
The census is a once-in-decade survey that gives a clearer picture of all the people and households in England and Wales.
Ward profiles
Ward profiles provide an overview of the latest information across a range of different subject areas based on recent data.
Apply for Ward Budget funding
Ward Budgets are a resource that our Councillors can use to support local issues and priorities.
Find out more about the Leader of Westminster City Council and the other councillors who are part of the Cabinet.
Stream council meetings
We want you to be able to follow and take part in the democratic decisions that affect you in Westminster.
Policy and scrutiny committees
Read details of the four policy and scrutiny committees and the Westminster Scrutiny Commission.
Committee meetings, agendas and minutes
A wide range of information and documents relating to the council’s decision making processes.
Register of Members' interests
If you want to register as a member, here are the rules regarding registering Members’ interests.
Members' allowances
Find out about the member's allowance scheme and members' allowance paid.
Queen's Park Community Council
Find out what the Community Council does, and a register of interests.
The Lord Mayor of Westminster
Councillor Robert Rigby takes on the ceremonial role of The Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Westminster.
Anyone who lives, works or studies in the City of Westminster can organise and sign a petition. This includes the under 18s.
Full electoral register and open register
The full electoral register lists everyone who is entitled to vote. It is available for inspection at the our office.
Electoral services privacy notice
The Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) and Returning Officer (RO) collect and use information about residents.
Annual electoral register canvass
We seek to ensure that all Westminster residents who are eligible to vote appear on the register of electors.
Public participation at Full Council meetings
Your chance to ask a question at an Ordinary Full Council meeting.
Notice of vacancy: Vincent Square ward
Notice of Vacancy of Office of Councillor for the Vincent Square Ward