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Insurance claims

Please browse through the steps in this guide to find out more about making accident and insurance claims against the council.

Fair obtaining notice

Please take a few minutes to read this document carefully as it contains important information relating to the details that you will give / have given us.

We are required to send you this information to comply with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) 2018. It explains how we may use your details and tells you about the systems we have in place that allow us to detect and prevent fraudulent claims. 

The Council is a subscriber to the Claims & Underwriting Exchange (CUE). The CUE system is an insurance industry shared database of insurance claims that helps compensators and insurers identify non-disclosure, concurrent claims activity and prevent fraud.

How we will use your data

Management information purposes, for example, to analyse data for the purposes of:

  • portfolio assessment;
  • risk assessment;
  • performance reporting;
  • management reporting;

Anti-fraud purposes, for example, to detect and prevent fraudulent claims and/or activities by:

  • sharing information about you with other organisations and public bodies including the police
  • undertaking fraud searches. We pass information to the Claims Underwriting and Exchange Register and where appropriate the Motor Insurance Anti-Fraud and Theft Register administered by the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB). This helps the Council check information and prevent fraudulent claims. When we deal with your claim we may search these registers.

Compliance with legal obligations and responsibilities:

  • Claims management – In the event of a claim we may need to disclose information with any other party involved in that claim such as third parties involved in the incident, their insurer, solicitor or representative and medical teams, the police or other investigators.  We also may have to investigate your claims and conviction history;
  • Motor Insurance Database - Information relating to your insurance claim may be added to the Motor Insurance Database (MID) managed by the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB). MID and the data stored on it may be used by certain statutory and/or authorised bodies including the Police, the DVLA, the DVLNI, the Insurance Fraud Bureau and other bodies permitted by law for purposes not limited to but including:
  • Electronic Licensing
  • Continuous Insurance Enforcement;
  • Law enforcement (prevention, detection, apprehension and or prosecution of offenders)
  • The provision of government services and or other services aimed at reducing the level and incidence of uninsured driving.
    • If you are involved in a road traffic accident (either in the UK, the European Economic Area or certain other territories), insurers and or the MIB may search the MID to obtain relevant information.
    • Persons (including his or her appointed representatives) pursuing a claim in respect of a road traffic accident (including citizens of other countries) may also obtain relevant information which is held on the MID. It is vital that the MID holds your correct registration number. If it is incorrectly shown on the MID you are at risk of having your vehicle seized by the Police. You can check that your correct registration number details are shown on the MID at
  • Complaints management - If you make a complaint about the service we have provided, we may be obliged to forward details about your complaint, including your personal information, to the relevant ombudsman.(link is external)

How your data will be processed

Information which is supplied to CUE can include details such as your name, address and date of birth together with details of any injury arising from a claim.

Your data may be transferred to any country, including countries outside of the European Economic Area, for any of the purposes mentioned above.

Published: 29 June 2023

Last updated: 29 June 2023