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Executive pay

View the pay and benefits our senior officers receive for their role in running the City of Westminster.

The council is a large organisation, delivering over 250 services from keeping the pavements clean and managing parking to maintaining roads and running children’s centres.

Executive pay

We believe it's important to be open and transparent about what we pay our chief executive and senior officers. Below, you can view the pay and benefits our senior officers receive for their role in running the City of Westminster.

As part of our complex organisation, officers are collectively responsible for a budget of almost £1 billion and for the delivery of hundreds of services in the heart of London. Their efforts have helped us consistently levy the lowest or second lowest Council Tax in England since the current system of local taxation was introduced in 1993.

We are an ambitious council and use our resources effectively. Our external auditors (Grant Thornton) have endorsed this in their latest Value for Money (VfM) assessment. They have said that the council is both financially sustainable and has secured economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of our resources. We continue to believe that to employ the best people and get the best results for the many residents, businesses and visitors in our city, we must be prepared to pay competitive salaries.

If you have any questions about our executive pay, contact our media team on 020 7641 2259.

Senior officers' responsibilities PDF, 163.13 KB, 7 pages
Our pay policy 2024/25 PDF, 148.15 KB, 8 pages

Find out more about working at Westminster City Council and current vacancies(link is external).

View details of the allowances paid to members of Westminster City Council.

Published: 8 January 2021

Last updated: 10 September 2024