Other licence and business permit types
The council is responsible for a number of licensing regimes which cover a large variety of activities, premises and businesses.
The Gambling Act 2005
Find out about gambling premises licences and how to apply
Statement of principles for gambling in Westminster
Our statement of principles for gambling.
Camping and caravan site licence
Find out how to apply for a camping and caravan site licence.
Pleasure boats licence
Rules and conditions for applying for a pleasure boats licence.
Public auction premises registration
Registering to hold a public auction.
Non-medical poisons registration
How to register to sell non-medical poisons.
Weighbridge operator certificate
How to apply for a weighbridge operator certificate.
Approval of marriage and civil partnership venues
If you want approval for religious premises you must have written consent from the appropriate governing body,
Special treatment premises licences
If you run an establishment for special treatments in the City of Westminster, you may require a licence for your premises.
Animal licence
Application form, fees and other information needed to apply for an animal licence.
How to apply for a Dangerous Wild Animals licence
Find out how to apply for a licence under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976.
Zoo licence
You must have a licence to run a zoo. It will be subject to specific conditions to ensure proper conduct.
Sports ground safety certificate
How to apply for a sports ground safety certificate.
Sex establishments
Sex establishments are defined by schedule 2 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982
Sexual entertainment venues
How to apply for a license for a sexual entertainment venue.
Sex shops
To open a sex shop, you must apply for a licence.
Hypnotism permit
How to apply for a permit to perform hypnotism in public.
Scrap metal licence
Anyone wishing to carry on a business as a scrap metal dealer needs a licence under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013.
Small society lotteries
Find out more about small society lotteries
Film classification requests
If you want to exhibit a film within Westminster, you may require a classification from the Licensing Authority.
Parliament Square byelaws
Find out the byelaws for Parliament Square and the surrounding area.