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Glarus Court Sprinklers, Decorations and Repairs (Project AF106)

Current status

Project status 1
Initial Planning

Deciding the scope of the works.

Project status 2
Detailed design and approval

Finalising the project specification, budget and programme.

Project status 3
Work starts: TBC
Work ends: TBC
Project status 4

End of works and the defects period. 

Project details


Work Required

Condition Survey

Blocks: All


Pre-existing information regarding the condition of the building and associated ancillary areas has been provided in the IPCI in Appendix 1.


The PD where appointed (or PC where no PD duty holder is in place) is to inform the Client, where additional survey or inspections are required to develop the PCI and inform the design process.


The PC is required to complete a pre-commencement condition survey within all areas likely to be affected by the works, which shall contain written and photographic evidence of the existing conditions.


The PC is to identify any areas of concern that may result in additional works being necessary, together with proposed remedial recommendations, within the scope of works. The condition survey is to be agreed with WCC/WCCs Client Representative and upon conclusion of the works the PC is to ensure the condition of any areas affected by the works are handed over to WCC/WCC in no worse a condition than at pre-commencement stage.


Access Required

Blocks: All


Work at height will be required to complete …. window renewal works and external brickwork/pointing repairs. The PC is to ensure that all work at height activities are risk assessed and that the proposed method of access to facilitate the works is detailed in the CPP and fully costed in the PEP.


Should there be any reason that specific access arrangements cannot be fully evaluated and costed for then the Service Provider should identify these together with a defined Provisional allowance within their PEP for each specific item/ area.


Access will also be required into the residents’ properties to undertake a number of the works elements described.


Roof Repairs

Blocks: All


Repair localised areas of roof and make good all splits and defects to asphalt covering flat roofs and tank room roofs. Re-apply solar reflective paint to all mastic asphalt surfaces and renew pigeon spikes where missing/defective.


Rainwater Goods

Blocks: All


Test and undertake repairs and full cleaning of rainwater goods including replacements of elements which are beyond repair. Test upon completion to ensure all rainwater goods systems are free of leaks and are discharging correctly.


Pitched Roofs

Blocks: Glarus Court


The roof coverings are believed to be generally in a good condition, but the service provider must identify required works through a condition survey arranged by the service provider and attended by WCC, who will agree to scope of works. Anticipated that these works are likely to include:


  • Replacement of damaged and/or missing components including (but not limited to) roof slate tiles, ridge/ hip tiles, SVP’s, SVP cowls/ guards.
  • Inspection and minor repairs/ replacement of damaged roof timber components (structural and non-structural);
  • Repairs to box gutter coverings.
  • Repairs/ replacement to any damaged or missing flashings, soakers and the like, including repointing of same where necessary.
  • Clean all roof coverings using proprietary techniques including removal of all algae, moss and the like;


Balcony Works – External

Blocks: External front elevation only


Remove all debris, plant moss etc. renew lead stepped flashing, clean out grove of brickwork, wedge with lead and repoint in cement mortar on the external balcony.

Prepare, treat, prime and repaint all previously painted metalwork on the external balcony (balustrades, handrails / top rails).


Estate Works (Courtyard)

Blocks: Glarus Court


Replace oil-stained slabs, lift and relay loose slabs

Re-fix water tap

Brick planters – demolish and re-build loose sections of the brick work.


Movement Joints

Blocks: Glarus Court


Movement joints and mastic sealant works – rake out and replace with new where required.


Glazing & Windows

Blocks: Front and Rear elevation


Overhaul and repairs to all external individual property windows, panels, and glazing.  All new glazing elements to comply with relevant Approved Documents.


Full window replacement where the windows are damaged beyond repair. Window restrictors need to be installed for the consideration of vulnerable residents.


Where outward opening windows are installed adjacent to pedestrian access e.g. balcony walkways, Service Provider to adhere to Part K of building regulations and ensure all windows have restricted opening to 100mm. Where windows are not required for escape purposes and can be accessed for cleaning from ground floor or walkway, permanent 100mm restriction is required.


Extent of work to be agreed pre-commencement. Replacement of damaged/missing window ironmongery where required; a provisional sum has been allowed for.

External Decoration including to Tied Accommodation Building

Blocks: Glarus Court


Repair crack in any external render including carefully hack out and make good with cement and sand including applying finishes to match existing.


External decorations to all previously decorated surfaces. Including rainwater goods, railings and boundary walls.



Blocks: All


Engage with BT to tidy and provide new containment which shall be metal powder coated.  Installed in line with BS EN 50085-1:2005 or any later amendments and shall be suitably earthed.

External Repairs

Blocks: Glarus Court


Extensive brickwork facing and pointing repairs where necessary on all external areas. The extent of the pointing at high level and across the block is extensive and may require phasing of works.


Provide a plan for potential phasing of pointing and external repairs work and align against working at height requirements and proposal.


Clean external facades including grilles and areas of masonry.

Metal Work Repairs

Blocks: front elevation


Decoration of all previously painted metalwork to the front external balcony. To include full preparation (strip where necessary) and repairs and replacement of missing or defective elements.


Communal Flooring

Blocks: All floors


Replace all existing carpets to ensure surfaces are safe, cleanable, maintainable and free of defects.


Service provider to ensure carpet colour scheme fit for purpose for vulnerable residents.

Also, to make provisions for two manholes on ground floor for ease of access for future maintenance works.


Internal Decoration

Blocks: All


Service provider to ensure carpet colour scheme remains the same as existing colour scheme (in compliance with Building Regs.)


Redecoration of all previously decorated internal surfaces.

Class 0 performance required to walls, ceilings, strings and soffits including necessary preparations, in accordance with Approved Document B requirements.


Timber Repairs

Blocks: All


Joinery and resin repairs to all defective timber elements. Painting all previously painted timber surfaces, including strip and preparation where required.


Pipework, valves & Fittings associated with water tank works

Blocks: All


Supply, install and connect all associated pipework, valves, fittings and overflow/ warning devices associated with calorifiers replacement.

Provide valve charts and labelling associated with the works.


Water Treatment

Blocks: All


Water treatment, cleansing, power flushing and re-treatment of pipework systems throughout the whole system in accordance with CIBSE and BSRIA publications.


Pipework Insulation

Blocks: All


Install new thermal insulation to all water tanks and boilers associated pipework, valves and fittings.

Ensure all pipework is labelled with direction flow arrows.


Ductwork Cleaning

Blocks: All


Specialist ductwork cleaning company to clean the existing ductwork system and in accordance with CIBSE/BSRIA and HVAC TR19 publications.  All ductwork to be cleaned including the branch ductwork from inside each flat.


Post clean report to be provided to include photos of pre and post condition.


Hatches to be installed if required to suit the method of cleaning.  The SP is to ensure that no breaches of fire compartmentation are


The contractor is to also detail the provision/condition of any shunt ducts or other fire precautions where present in the system.


In flat Ventilation works (where on communal system)

Blocks: All


Clean local ductwork, replace the grille and control damper, install new / replace existing fire dampers and make Improvements to make-up air/trickle vents.


The contractor is to ensure that there will be minimum down time and shall always be provided with extract ventilation.


Works to comply with the current regulations.


Ductwork, Dampers & Fixings

Blocks: All


Supply, install and connect all associated ductwork, dampers and fittings involved with replacing the fans.


Where new ductwork is installed and routed through fire compartments, the existing fire compartmentation shall be maintained.


Sprinkler System

Blocks: All


Design, supply and install an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with British Standard (BS) S9251:2014, BS8458 and BSEN 12845.  The sprinkler heads shall be concealed within the ducting installed at ceiling level.  Vertical riser is to be routed through the building.


The sprinklers should be installed in the flats, communal spaces, and corridors. 


The Service Provider shall review the options to install a sprinkler which is fed by the water mains supplying Glarus Court.


The Service Provider should ensure the installation shall be undertaken by an installation contractor specialising in the fire prevention industry and can demonstrate their competence in delivering Fire Protection Sprinkler Systems to the appropriate British Standard through a third-party certifications scheme, such as the BRE/LPCB, Exova Warrington Certification Ltd, International Fire Consultants etc. 


All materials and equipment shall be listed in the LPC Red Book Live (


Electrical Intake Cupboards

Blocks: All


The proposed works should include the addition of a new bus-bar chamber and 2 main switches for Landlord’s and tenant’s supplies, addition of a new current transformer chamber with a new Landlord’s electricity meter, replacement of existing Landlord’s switchboard, provision of a new Landlord’s main supply cable and removal of existing connection enclosure. Landlord’s and tenant’s MICC riser cabling may be retained subject to testing and validation. New sprinkler pump supply cable originating on an MCCB in the new Landlord’s switchboard shall be installed; it shall be terminated on a new isolator in the plant room in the vicinity of proposed pumps.


Replace distribution boards in the risers but retain existing cabling within the risers.



The service provider should ensure that all installations meet the current British standards, regulations and all relevant legislation.


Fire Alarm System and Panel  

Blocks: All


The contractor shall investigate and validate that the existing fire alarm system can be used and interconnected to the new sprinkler control panel/system.  If required, the existing system shall be updated/adapted to interact with the new sprinkler control system and in line with the latest regulations and guidance.  A provisional sum has been allowed or within the budget in case the existing panel is not suitable, and the item recorded on the risk register. 


Pipework & Boxing 

Blocks: All


The new pipework should be installed at high level within the flats and communal areas and concealed within the existing boxing or new boxing. 


Pipework within any service risers or plantrooms is not required to be boxed in or concealed


Blocks: All


To accommodate the new automatic sprinkler system, the service provider should consider converting the existing cold water down service to a boosted mains water supply.


The new pumps will require an independent power supply installed to minimise the risk of electrical supply failure by having a separately fused connection.


The service provider should ensure the Installation of the new booster pumps complies with BS9251:2014 and the latest regulations and guidance. 

Water Tanks

Blocks: All


Replace existing cold water storage tanks with new. To include complete removal of all redundant equipment and pipework. All regulatory standards to be adhered too with any testing to carried out before and after installation. All relevant certification to be provided within the O&M files.


The Service Provider is to ensure that there will be minimum down time and that residents will have cold water down service at all times. The Project Execution Plan needs to provide a detailed strategy for ensuring this requirement is adhered to.


The contractor to review the size of each tank and reduce where possible the risk of stagnation etc.


Pipework, valves & Fittings associated with the tank works

Blocks: All


Supply, install and connect all associated pipework, valves, fittings and overflow/ warning devices associated with water tank replacement.

Provide valve charts and labelling associated with the works.


Water Treatment

Blocks: All


Water treatment, cleansing, power flushing and re-treatment of pipework systems throughout the whole system in accordance with CIBSE and BSRIA publications.


Thermal Insulation

Blocks: All


Install new thermal insulation to all new water tanks and associated pipework, valves and fittings.

Ensure all pipework is labelled with direction flow arrows.



Staff Kitchen Only:


Kitchen should be renewed or replaced British standards and designs which will be supplied by the service provider. This shall comply with all appropriate regulations and unit allocations equated against the size of the property.


Kitchen works is to include; all units, worktops, sinks, taps, waste and pipes, sealant, tiling, flooring, gas, heating, plumbing electrical works and associated repairs and decorations. It is also to include the replacement of the laminate flooring in the Kitchen. The full scope, condition and recommendations are to be defined during the survey process.


Please note, kitchen works do not encompass the replacement of electrical goods and appliances e.g. white goods, however the service provider shall allow for the disconnection, relocation, and recommissioning of these.

Builders Work in Connection with the M&E Installations

Blocks: All


Carry out all builders work in connection with The Works including subsequent making good of all disturbed finishes to a standard acceptable by WCC.


Provide recommendations for any builders-work style items felt necessary (such as any minor building-fabric style repairs or decorative items associated with The Works areas), submit for review and further instruction by WCC – a Provisional Sum in relation to any such works should be included at PEP stage.


Replace/ make good/ repair existing water tank bunds if required


Maintaining the Existing Building Services

Blocks: All


Maintain the building services systems during the duration of the contract. Where services may not be functioning or operational for a period of time prior notice and resident notification shall take place.

Service provider is to maintain the system fully (PPMs checks and remedials) under this scheme budget during the Defects Liability Period (DLP) and not via the term contracts PPM inclusive regime. It is essential that all newly installed or worked on services under this scheme are maintained through the scheme and the DLP.  


Environmental Works

Blocks: All


Each tenanted scheduled property (to be agreed with WCC) is to have a Nuaire humidistat Cyfan fan installed in to both the kitchen and the bathroom (usually located in glazing) and a Nuaire Flatmaster2000 PIV in the hallway in accordance with the specification noted below.


In the event that a property has a suitable existing fan in either kitchen or bathroom or both then there is no need to replace the existing fan/fans. The contractor’s approved ventilation installer is required to undertake a survey in each property ahead of installing ventilation equipment to confirm suitability of property and any existing extract fans.



Properties: All


Cavity wall insulation if feasible (Provisional sum has been allowed for in the budget summary)


Service provider to carry out an energy assessment to identify what measures are appropriate and to liaise with our sustainability team to look at alternative funding opportunities. Consider all possible measures to reduce carbon emissions from all properties.


Consultation with the residents is necessary to identify the benefits to the residents and the environment.

Asbestos Management

Blocks: All


A copy of the existing management survey and any R&D surveys have been supplied in the IPCI in Appendix 1.


Live asbestos information can be found on the Westminster City Council asbestos portal, Shine. The PD/PC is required to inform the client regarding the need to instruct any further R&D surveys as the design develops and the areas where intrusive works will be required are confirmed. The R&D survey will be instructed by the client through the asbestos management system and provided to the PD/PC as part of the PCI, to allow the CPP to be developed. The Service Providers Project Execution Plan needs to identify any further works, with estimated costs, for completing removal or encapsulation of ACMs to enable The Works. The SP is to ensure that any subcontractor undertaking asbestos removal works as part of The Works, fulfils the client’s requirements outlined in the WCC process and procedure documents and are deemed competent to undertake the required works.


Other Potentially Hazardous Circumstances

Blocks: All


Where held the Client has provided relevant information regarding the existing structure(s) and materials in the IPCI.


The PD/PC is to inform the client if during the design stage, it becomes evident that there is the potential for other deleterious materials or hazards to be present and further inspection or testing is required.


Other materials that may be present or that need considering include but are not limited to:


  • Lead Paint
  • HAC
  • Horse hair plaster
  • Clay pot floors
  • Calcium silicate brickwork
  • RAAC planks
  • Tesserae
  • Vermiculite


Other hazards that may be present:

  • Fragile roof materials
  • Unprotected roof lights
  • Unprotected flat roofs
  • Unprotected fall risks (shafts/ sumps)
  • Confined spaces
  • Insufficient safe access provision to plant and equipment
  • Noise protection zones
  • Open water



Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) of M&E Systems

The Service Provider is to be responsible for the maintenance of all mechanical and electrical systems for the duration of the contract. The Service Provider is to make a budget allowance based on the annual M&E PPM items and associated prices listed below. Please Note: Examples below are not an exhaustive list and are for example purposes only. Service Provider to notify WCC of any additional systems not allowed for below. 


Any agreed PPM to be undertaken by the Service Provider must be removed from the Estate’s incumbent maintenance contractor’s PPM schedule until the element is commissioned / the contract is completed.





Door entry

£ 600.00


£ 125.00

Emergency Lighting

£ 350.00

Fire Alarms

£ 800.00

Fire Extinguishers

£ 25.00


£ 125.00


O&M Manual

Blocks: All


Create/provide a new Operating & Maintenance manual for the building and also for all systems associated with The Works.  The file shall be in accordance with and as detailed within the Term Partnering Contract. This can include but is not limited to;

  • A detailed future Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) programme/ regime associated with The Works;
  • As-built drawings, specifications, schematics, schedules etc.
  • Manufacturers details, guarantees and warranties (as applicable)
  • Details of risks and hazardous materials not eliminated through design
  • Site Investigation Reports
  • Statutory authority consents and approvals




Published: 9 May 2024

Last updated: 31 December 2024