St John’s the Evangelist, Kensal Green
Through the 'Open Spaces Greener Places' programme, the council have supported a phased greening strategy at St John's Church, which included transforming an unused tarmac yard into a new community green space commemorating the Windrush Generation.
Later stages of funding supported the plan to convert unused parking spaces into a new green garden along the length of the church. Removing tarmac was an opportunity to lay water-absorbent surfaces and contributed to the church's ambitions to provide more Sustainable Urban Drainage strategies, otherwise known as SUDs.
A new path of york stone was laid next to a new lawn and mixed species plant beds, providing rich biodiversity for the church's pollinators, including two beehives hidden out of sight on a flat roof.
Six new benches provide places to reflect and absorb the tranquillity of the grounds. The greening of the surrounding church gardens, including planting yew hedges known to combat air pollution, was a preventative measure responding to an air quality report. Additional tree planting has taken place since.