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Greening Westminster projects

Find out about how the Greening Westminster fund has helped our communities build green spaces.

Covent Garden Playground and Children's Nature Centre

Covent Garden Playground & Nature Garden is a project to green and transform Drury Lane Gardens into an accessible, inclusive wildlife space of crucial importance and impact in an area of ‘Open Space and Wildlife Deficiency’.

The project is supported by:

  • the Heads of both local primary schools
  • their hundreds of children and parents’ groups who all use Drury Lane Gardens
  • workers who use the space in their lunchtimes as well as visitors from further afield.

Local resident and charity trustee, Max Lacey, received a grant of £27,080 in 2023 to regenerate the soil in the planters and replant the playground. Together with local children from the primary school and renowned plantsman Peter Korn, Max replanted the space in free-draining sandy soil with 5000 new plants. The sustainable planting is good for encouraging pollinators and other fauna and supports our Climate Emergency and Ecological Emergency work.

An image of Covent Garden Playground & Children's Nature Garden

Published: 14 August 2024

Last updated: 14 August 2024