Temporary crossings
If vehicles need to cross the footway to reach the site, you must construct a temporary crossing, for which you will need a temporary structure licence.
On occasion it may be necessary for the council's approved contractor to install the temporary crossover.
Vehicles must not park on the crossing or obstruct the footway in any way.
Once the temporary crossing is no longer required, our approved contractor will carry out the final reinstatement work to return the area back to footway, at the licensee's expense.
Construction of crossing
The temporary crossing must be constructed to the following specification only where the we permit the licensee to undertake the works:
- The kerb stones shall be taken up and stored on site by the Licensee or their agent.
- The existing footway shall be broken out and excavated to a minimum depth of 225mm and back-filled with un-reinforced concrete.
- The concrete must form a ramp up from the carriageway and be laid flush with the adjoining footway, with textured surface that is safe for pedestrians.
- During the construction of the temporary crossover, the works shall be properly fenced and adequately lit during the hours of darkness in accordance with Section a 171, subsection 5(a) of the Highways Act 1980.
Excavation near trees
Any excavation beneath a tree canopy must be carried out by hand taking care not to sever or damage any roots. All exposed roots should be covered with hessian sheeting and kept moist until back filling. Roots 25mm in diameter or more must be left intact, bridging the excavation.
Protection of trees
Street trees affected by the proposed structure must be boxed in with plywood panels to a height of 3m.