Employment services
We have a dedicated employment team to help you find work in and around Westminster.
How we can support you
If you are looking for work, our employment team can support you in the following ways:
- help writing your CV
- help completing application forms
- support in preparing for interviews
- job searches
To benefit from our service you must be:
- a Westminster resident
- aged 18 – 65 years old
- currently unemployed or working under eight hours a week
- if you are in education, you must be working less than 16 hours a week
Opportunities with our contractors
As part of our long-term major works and repairs contracts, we have employment, training and apprenticeship opportunities available for Westminster residents.
For current vacancies with our contractors, please contact Keith Cookson kcookson1@westminster.gov.uk.
Further information
If you would like further information about our employment services please contact the employment team:
Telephone: 020 7245 2242
Email: residentengagement@westminster.gov.uk
We also work closely with a number of more specialist employment teams and services within Westminster, as part of the Westminster Employment Service. We can refer you if we think you would benefit from more specialist service.