Our performance
The Regulator of Social Housing has introduced a new set of performance indicators for all social housing landlords, including local authorities, to measure their performance against.
The indicators are known as the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) and cover things that are important to tenants, such as satisfaction with services, repairs, safety and complaints. The TSMS help us understand our performance and where we need to improve.
Below are the TSMs and our performance against them. It’s good to compare our performance with others, so we’ve included a ‘benchmark’ so that you see how we are doing. This benchmark is the mid-point or ‘median’ for London councils.
Satisfaction survey TSMs |
Westminster |
Housemark London |
Overall service from their landlord |
65.7% |
59.0% |
Landlord listens to tenants’ views and acts on them |
61.5% |
51.3% |
Landlord keeps them informed about things that matter to them |
83.1% |
66.0% |
Landlord treats them fairly and with respect |
77.9% |
69.0% |
Their home is well maintained |
65.2% |
60.9% |
Overall repairs service over the last 12 months |
65.7% |
63.3% |
Time taken to complete their most recent repair |
63.7% |
60.0% |
Their home is safe |
69.6% |
66.5% |
Landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood |
76.0% |
62.0% |
Landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained |
79.2% |
61.5% |
Landlord’s approach to ASB case handling |
63.6% |
57.7% |
Landlord’s approach to handling complaints |
26.7% |
25.6% |
Management information TSMs |
Westminster |
Housemark London |
% stage 1 complaints responded to in target time |
46.2% |
73.9% |
% stage 2 complaints responded to in target time |
25.8% |
67.2% |
Number of stage 1 complaints per 1000 homes |
89 |
73.5 |
Number of stage 2 complaints per 1000 homes |
20 |
14.7 |
Number of ASB cases opened per 1000 homes |
25 |
32.1 |
Number of ASB cases that involved hate incidents opened per 1000 homes |
2 |
0.5 |
Non-emergency repairs completed in target time |
70.9% |
77.5% |
Emergency repairs completed in target time |
90.5% |
90.6% |
Proportion of homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard |
2.40% |
9.1% |
Fire risk assessments |
97.3% |
99.9% |
Gas safety checks |
99.3% |
99.8% |
Lift safety checks |
100% |
98.3% |
Water safety checks |
100% |
99.47% |
Asbestos safety checks |
88.0% |
100% |
How we’re improving
We are performing well compared to other London councils for most of the measures, but we know we can do better. Complaints is a significant area of improvement for the council, and we are taking strides to improve the quality of service for residents. We have increased monitoring of complaints, introduced a specialist repairs complaints team, and are improving our digital systems for managing complaints.
We are also making significant changes to our repairs service, including a new repairs policy, new teams to support vulnerable residents, improving record keeping and introducing new training for staff.
To find out more, please see our Housing Services Annual Report 2023-2024.
Summary of approach - how we measure satisfaction
The regulator has set rules for measuring the TSMs which we have followed carefully. Over the last year we’ve surveyed our tenants and collected management information so that we can report figures accurately. Here’s the summary of our approach to the TSM survey which we sent to the regulator.
How we measure tenant satisfaction
We employed Kwest Research, a market research company that specialises in social housing, to carry out the tenant satisfaction survey for us. Each month tenants were selected at random for the survey. Anyone who has told us they don’t want to complete surveys or we had already surveyed were taken out.
How we make sure data is representative of all tenants
We monitor who takes part in the survey by age, ethnicity, gender and area of the city in which they live to make sure the survey is representative. Here’s a breakdown of our tenants who responded to the survey. The baseline represents all tenants for whom we hold data. The responses and baseline are very close showing that those who took part were representative of our tenants overall.
How was the survey carried out?
The survey was carried out by phone to make it as accessible as possible. Kwest Research have staff who speak languages other than English and carrying out the survey by phone also removes any barriers caused by literacy issues. Kwest Research used the questions provided by the Regulator (Q2-Q16), plus a few questions added at the end by the Council to improve understanding (Q17-20). See the survey questions for more details:
How many people took part?
We surveyed 1,441 tenants between June 23 and March 24.
How reliable are the results?
Statistically the results are reliable to plus or minus 2.4%. To explain what this means, let’s take tenant satisfaction with the overall service which scored 65.7%. With reliability at plus or minus 2% we know that the actual satisfaction of our tenants is somewhere between 63.7% and 67.7%. This is a very good level of reliability and meets the requirements of the Regulator of Social Housing.