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About your tenancy

Find out more information regarding your tenancy, your right to buy and how changes in your circumstances can affect your tenancy.

Right to Buy

What is the right to buy?

Right to buy enables council tenants to buy the property they live in. 

Properties are valued at current market prices but are usually offered for sale at a discounted price because, as a tenant, you would normally qualify for a discount. 

As of 6 April 2024, the discount is set at a maximum of £136,400 for new applicants.

Following the government's review of Right to Buy discounts, maximum cash discounts will be reduced to £16,000 from 21 November 2024.             

You can refer to the governments Right to Buy website for further information.

Am I eligible?

You will qualify for Right to Buy if you have been a secure tenant of Westminster City Council for at least three years. Previous tenancies and tenancies with other councils and housing associations also count.

How to apply

  1. Download and complete the application form and anti-money laundering declaration form.
  2. Return both forms by email or post to:

You may be offered help from a private company or be asked to pay for things that you can get for free. 

Before accepting advice from others, you may find it useful to contact us. Our free services include:

  • help filling in the application form
  • support on understanding how the sales process works 
  • being available to answer your questions 
  • information on how to find a solicitor 
  • free mortgage advice from banks and building societies 

Things to be aware of 

There are companies and individuals who offer money to tenants to purchase a property. These deals usually end with the company owning the property. If you enter into this type of agreement you need to remember:

  • if you sell the property on you will have to repay the discount as soon as you buy it
  • the money you make is unlikely to be enough to buy another home
  • the council will not rent you another property
  • Please think very carefully before using one of these companies or individuals. They may be suggesting that you do something which benefits them, not you. Do not sign anything that you are not entirely clear about or happy with.

Some tenants have become homeless after agreeing to deals like this. It is very important that you get independent legal advice from your solicitor or the Citizens Advice Bureau, before entering into such an agreement.

Related documents

Right to buy summary leaflet PDF, 2.93 MB, 20 pages

Your right to buy your home - a guide (GOV.UK)


Anti money laundering form PDF, 178.67 KB, 5 pages


Published: 21 December 2020

Last updated: 18 November 2024