School admissions
Find out how to apply for primary and secondary school places.
Starting primary school from September 2025
Information on how to apply for a primary school place for reception class 2025.
Starting secondary school from September 2025
Find out the how the application process works for your child's application to secondary school from September 2025.
Applying for a school place in-year
How to make an application to a school outside normal admission rounds.
Determined admission arrangements for 2026/27
Information about the admissions policies of schools in Westminster for the 2026/27 academic year.
Determined admission arrangements for 2025/26
Information about the admissions policies of schools in Westminster for the 2025/26 academic year.
Determined admission arrangements for 2024/25
Information about the admissions policies of schools in Westminster for the 2024/25 academic year.
School admissions and access to education
Advice and guidance on applying for school places for your children.
Schools admission appeals
You can appeal to an independent panel if your child is not offered a place at your preferred school.
Fair Access Protocol
What is the Fair Access Protocol and how it affects admissions in Westminster.