Current status
Project status
Initial Planning
Deciding the scope of works.
Project status
Project design and approval
Finalising the project specification, budget and programme
Project status
Project status
End of works and defects.
Project details
Click on the blocks below for the summary of the planned work.
Work Element | Description of Works |
Work Element
Condition Survey |
Description of Works
The PD where appointed (or PC where no PD duty holder is in place) is to inform the Client, where additional survey or inspections are required to develop the PCI and inform the design process.The PC is required to complete a pre-commencement condition survey within all areas likely to be affected by the works, which shall contain written and photographic evidence of the existing conditions. The PC is to identify any areas of concern that may result in additional works being necessary, together with proposed remedial recommendations, within the scope of works. The condition survey is to be agreed with WCC/WCCs Client Representative and upon conclusion of the works the PC is to ensure the condition of any areas affected by the works are handed over to WCC/WCC in no worse a condition than at pre-commencement stage. |
Work Element
Access Required |
Description of Works
Work at height will be required to complete the window renewal works, repairs to the private balconies and external brickwork/pointing repairs. The PC is to ensure that all work at height activities are risk assessed and that the proposed method of access to facilitate the works is detailed in the CPP and fully costed in the PEP.Should there be any reason that specific access arrangements cannot be fully evaluated and costed for then the Service Provider should identify these together with a defined Provisional allowance within their PEP for each specific item/ area.Access will also be required into properties to undertake pre & post condition surveys and to carry out some elements of work described in the survey report in Appendix 2. |
Work Element
Pitched Roofs |
Description of Works
The roof coverings are believed to be generally in a good condition however repair works is required in certain areas. The service provider must identify additional required works through a condition survey arranged by the service provider and attended by WCC, who will agree to scope of works. Works identified so far are: • Overhaul sections of roof components including roof tiles, ridge/ hip tiles, SVP’s, RWG’s. • Repoint isolated areas of missing pointing to ridge tiles. • Brick repointing on chimneys.• Apply patination oil to lead flashings.• Repoint isolated areas to chimney stack.Anticipated works may include but not limited to:• Renew chimney cowls• Clean all roof coverings using proprietary techniques including removal of all algae, moss, and the like.• Inspection and minor repairs/replacement of damaged roof timber components (structural and non-structural);• Repairs/replacement to any damaged or missing flashings, soakers and the like, including repointing of same where necessary. |
Work Element
Rainwater Goods |
Description of Works
Test and undertake repairs and full cleaning of rainwater goods including replacements of elements which are beyond repair. Test upon completion to ensure all rainwater goods systems are free of leaks and are discharging correctly. |
Work Element
Loft Space |
Description of Works
The Service Provider is to arrange loft inspections to check the adequacy of existing loft insulation and fire compartmentation. If upgrades are required to meet current building regulations, the Service Provider is to refer to the WCC standard specification document in Appendix 8.The service provider must engage with WCC before proceeding with any additional works.Where the roof insulation levels are low (Below 300mm), the service provider must report this to the WCC Asset Investment Manager through the WCC representative on site. WCC’s Asset Investment Manager will then liaise with the service provider on next steps for new insulation to be installed. |
Work Element
Ground Floor Bin Stores |
Description of Works
• Renew slipped/broken tiles on canopies.• External concrete repairs.• Repairs to timber doors and frames. |
Work Element
Outbuildings/Pram Stores |
Description of Works
• Remove ivy to walls and roofs.• Overhaul roof covering.• Carry out timber repairs to doors and wall plate.• Redecorate previously decorated surfaces. |
Work Element
Below Ground Drainage |
Description of Works
The service provider will carry out CCTV drainage survey in line with and in accordance with the Survey Report in Appendix 2. Based on the CCTV results, an agreement will be reached between contractor and WCC to establish the extent of associated works required. The Contractor is to provide proposals that would allow access to all main drain runs on the site to ascertain locations and condition. The contractor is to review the proposal to install/allow for rodding eyes at the down service connections between the rainwater pipes and the fall to the drain. |
Work Element
Communal Walkways/Balconies |
Description of Works
• Balcony – carry out cover meter, carbonation, hammer test and concrete repairs.• Remove plant growth.• Isolated areas of repointing, stitch brickwork, carbonation, hammer tests to concrete areas and carry out concrete repairs.• Clear out and flush through blocked gullies to communal balconies.• Asphalt repair work. |
Work Element
Boiler Flues |
Description of Works
Survey/review and identify existing boiler flues, which need to be extended to protect the building fabric. Extend the flues where required where required. |
Work Element
Private Balcony Works |
Description of Works
The Service Provider is to inspect the conditions of the private balconies including the asphalt and advice what works are required. All works are subject to WCC representative approval. There will be a provisional sum for these works. |
Work Element
Glazing & Windows |
Description of Works
Renewal of individual property timber framed windows. The proposal is to renew in double glazing. All new glazing elements to comply with relevant Approved Documents.The Service Provider is to follow current building regulations when installing new windows. |
Work Element
Extractor Fans |
Description of Works
Where possible remove extractor fans from glazed windows and install new extractor fans to internal walls. The service provider should confirm the make and model of the extractor fan with the WCC representative before installation. |
Work Element
Block Signage |
Description of Works
The service provider will carry out the works in line with and in accordance with the Survey Report in Appendix 2 and the performance specification located within Appendix 8.• Upgrade fire escape signage with photoluminescent rigid plastic fire escape signage screw fixed to walls. • Upgrade fire escape signage with new compliant A4 size fire action notice signs. |
Work Element
External Decoration |
Description of Works
External decorations to all previously decorated surfaces. Including rainwater goods, storage sheds, railings and boundary walls. |
Work Element
Internal Repairs |
Description of Works
Repairs to internal fabric finishes ensuring they are sound, consistent and ready to receive redecoration. |
Work Element
Internal Decoration |
Description of Works
Redecoration of all previously decorated internal surfaces. Class 0 performance required to walls, ceilings, strings and soffits including necessary preparations, in accordance with Approved Document B requirements. |
Work Element
External Concrete/ Brick Repairs |
Description of Works
The service provider will carry out the works in line with and in accordance with the Survey Report in Appendix 2 and the performance specification located within Appendix 8. Also, the service provider will provide a plan for potential phasing of pointing and external repairs work and align against working at height requirements and proposal.• Extensive brickwork facing and pointing repairs where necessary on all external areas. The service provider must identify the extent of the pointing work at high level across the blocks and arrange for WCC to also inspect and agree the extent of pointing required.• Concrete repair work to balconies.• Concrete repairs to concrete window cills.• Carry out brickwork and concrete repairs to boundary walls.• Carryout repair work to concrete coping stones where necessary.• Repair/ rebuild brickwork to raised brick planters.• Make good screed to communal decking to ground floor.• Repair large brick pier to carpark entrance |
Work Element
External Repairs |
Description of Works
• Repair damaged trunking to external walls.• Renew broken metal air vents to external walls.• Reclip loose/sagging cables to walls and soffits.• Make good redundant service penetrations to external walls.• Clean stained areas on brickwork.• Install pigeon spikes were necessary. |
Work Element
Car Park |
Description of Works
Residents need to be given adequate notice to move their cars to enable the car park repairs and resurfacing works. The service provider should liaise with WCC to plan/sequence the tarmac works to avoid delays.• Carry out tarmac repairs to car parking area. |
Work Element
Trees |
Description of Works
Cut back tree branches encroaching the blocks. The service provider should check if a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is required before cutting back any tree branches. |
Work Element
Metal Work Repairs |
Description of Works
Decoration of all previously painted metalwork including external boundary treatments. To include full preparation (strip where necessary) and repairs and replacement of missing or defective elements.Bin chute hatches – Smoke seals to be upgraded to BS7386. If beyond repair, hatch to be replaced to fire rated cover. |
Work Element
Communal Flooring |
Description of Works
Repairs to existing non–covered flooring (including replacement of any components beyond repair) to ensure surfaces are safe, cleanable, maintainable, and free of defectsThe service provider is to arrange further inspections to the internal communal areas and communal walkways of Eastlake House and advise WCC if any additional work is required to the flooring. |
Work Element
Internal Repairs |
Description of Works
Repairs to internal fabric finishes ensuring they are sound, consistent and ready to receive redecoration. |
Work Element
Fire Safety Works |
Description of Works
Review the fire risk assessment report to ensure familiarisation with fire safety strategies for the properties in relation to all areas affected by the works. Identify all works deemed necessary and associated with the works to ensure all fire safety requirements are met. Report findings with respect to recommendations to WCC for any additional work that may be deemed appropriate with regard to fire protection matters for consideration and further direction/instruction. Ensure the works are fully compliant with all current regulatory requirements. |
Work Element
Asbestos Management |
Description of Works
Contractor to note that all live asbestos information can be found on the Westminster City Council asbestos portal, Shine. The PD/PC is required to inform the client regarding the need to instruct any further R&D surveys as the design develops and the areas where intrusive works will be required are confirmed. The R&D survey will be instructed by the client through the asbestos management system and provided to the PD/PC as part of the PCI, to allow the CPP to be developed. The Service Providers Project Execution Plan needs to identify any further works, with estimated costs, for completing removal or encapsulation of ACMs to enable The Works. The SP is to ensure that any subcontractor undertaking asbestos removal works as part of The Works, fulfils the client’s requirements outlined in the WCC process and procedure documents and are deemed competent to undertake the required works. The SP is to ensure that any subcontractor undertaking asbestos removal works as part of The Works, fulfils the clients licence requirements and are deemed competent to undertake the required works. |
Work Element
Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) of M&E Systems |
Description of Works
The Service Provider is to be responsible for the maintenance of all mechanical and electrical systems for the duration of the contract. The Service Provider is to make a budget allowance based on the annual M&E PPM items. |
Work Element
Other Potentially Hazardous Circumstances |
Description of Works
Where held the Client has provided relevant information regarding the existing structure(s) and materials in the IPCI.The PD/PC is to inform the client if during the design stage, it becomes evident that there is the potential for other deleterious materials or hazards to be present and further inspection or testing is required.Other materials that may be present or that need considering include but are not limited to:• Lead Paint• HAC• Horse hair plaster• Clay pot floors• Calcium silicate brickwork• RAAC planks• Tesserae• VermiculiteOther hazards that may be present:• Fragile roof materials• Unprotected roof lights• Unprotected flat roofs• Unprotected fall risks (shafts/ sumps)• Confined spaces• Insufficient safe access provision to plant and equipment• Noise protection zones• Open water |
Work Element
H&S File & O&M Manual |
Description of Works
These buildings do not currently have a H&S file.Create/provide a new Health and Safety File and Operating & Maintenance manuals for the building and also for all systems associated with The Works. The file shall be in accordance with and as detailed within the Term Partnering Contract. This is to include but is not limited to;• A detailed future Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) programme/ regime associated with The Works;• As-built drawings, specifications, schematics, schedules etc.• Manufacturers details, guarantees and warranties (as applicable)• Details of risks and hazardous materials not eliminated through design• Site Investigation Reports• Statutory authority consents and approvals |
Work Element |
Description of Works |
Work Element | Description of Works |
Work Element
Condition Survey |
Description of Works
The PD where appointed (or PC where no PD duty holder is in place) is to inform the Client, where additional survey or inspections are required to develop the PCI and inform the design process.The PC is required to complete a pre-commencement condition survey within all areas likely to be affected by the works, which shall contain written and photographic evidence of the existing conditions. The PC is to identify any areas of concern that may result in additional works being necessary, together with proposed remedial recommendations, within the scope of works. The condition survey is to be agreed with WCC/WCCs Client Representative and upon conclusion of the works the PC is to ensure the condition of any areas affected by the works are handed over to WCC/WCC in no worse a condition than at pre-commencement stage. |
Work Element
Access Required |
Description of Works
Work at height will be required to complete the window renewal works, repairs to the private balconies and external brickwork/pointing repairs. The PC is to ensure that all work at height activities are risk assessed and that the proposed method of access to facilitate the works is detailed in the CPP and fully costed in the PEP.Should there be any reason that specific access arrangements cannot be fully evaluated and costed for then the Service Provider should identify these together with a defined Provisional allowance within their PEP for each specific item/ area.Access will also be required into properties to undertake pre & post condition surveys and to carry out some elements of work described in the survey report in Appendix 2. |
Work Element
Pitched Roofs |
Description of Works
The roof coverings are believed to be generally in a good condition however repair works is required in certain areas. The service provider must identify additional required works through a condition survey arranged by the service provider and attended by WCC, who will agree to scope of works. Works identified so far are: • Overhaul sections of roof components including roof tiles, ridge/ hip tiles, SVP’s, RWG’s. • Repoint isolated areas of missing pointing to ridge tiles. • Brick repointing on chimneys.• Apply patination oil to lead flashings.• Repoint isolated areas to chimney stack.Anticipated works may include but not limited to:• Renew chimney cowls• Clean all roof coverings using proprietary techniques including removal of all algae, moss, and the like.• Inspection and minor repairs/replacement of damaged roof timber components (structural and non-structural);• Repairs/replacement to any damaged or missing flashings, soakers and the like, including repointing of same where necessary. |
Work Element
Rainwater Goods |
Description of Works
Test and undertake repairs and full cleaning of rainwater goods including replacements of elements which are beyond repair. Test upon completion to ensure all rainwater goods systems are free of leaks and are discharging correctly. |
Work Element
Loft Space |
Description of Works
The Service Provider is to arrange loft inspections to check the adequacy of existing loft insulation and fire compartmentation. If upgrades are required to meet current building regulations, the Service Provider is to refer to the WCC standard specification document in Appendix 8.The service provider must engage with WCC before proceeding with any additional works.Where the roof insulation levels are low (Below 300mm), the service provider must report this to the WCC Asset Investment Manager through the WCC representative on site. WCC’s Asset Investment Manager will then liaise with the service provider on next steps for new insulation to be installed. |
Work Element
Ground Floor Bin Stores |
Description of Works
• Renew slipped/broken tiles on canopies.• External concrete repairs.• Repairs to timber doors and frames. |
Work Element
Outbuildings/Pram Stores |
Description of Works
• Remove ivy to walls and roofs.• Overhaul roof covering.• Carry out timber repairs to doors and wall plate.• Redecorate previously decorated surfaces. |
Work Element
Below Ground Drainage |
Description of Works
The service provider will carry out CCTV drainage survey in line with and in accordance with the Survey Report in Appendix 2. Based on the CCTV results, an agreement will be reached between contractor and WCC to establish the extent of associated works required. The Contractor is to provide proposals that would allow access to all main drain runs on the site to ascertain locations and condition. The contractor is to review the proposal to install/allow for rodding eyes at the down service connections between the rainwater pipes and the fall to the drain. |
Work Element
Communal Walkways/Balconies |
Description of Works
• Balcony – carry out cover meter, carbonation, hammer test and concrete repairs.• Remove plant growth.• Isolated areas of repointing, stitch brickwork, carbonation, hammer tests to concrete areas and carry out concrete repairs.• Clear out and flush through blocked gullies to communal balconies.• Asphalt repair work. |
Work Element
Boiler Flues |
Description of Works
Survey/review and identify existing boiler flues, which need to be extended to protect the building fabric. Extend the flues where required where required. |
Work Element
Private Balcony Works |
Description of Works
The Service Provider is to inspect the conditions of the private balconies including the asphalt and advice what works are required. All works are subject to WCC representative approval. There will be a provisional sum for these works. |
Work Element
Glazing & Windows |
Description of Works
Renewal of individual property timber framed windows. The proposal is to renew in double glazing. All new glazing elements to comply with relevant Approved Documents.The Service Provider is to follow current building regulations when installing new windows. |
Work Element
Extractor Fans |
Description of Works
Where possible remove extractor fans from glazed windows and install new extractor fans to internal walls. The service provider should confirm the make and model of the extractor fan with the WCC representative before installation. |
Work Element
Block Signage |
Description of Works
The service provider will carry out the works in line with and in accordance with the Survey Report in Appendix 2 and the performance specification located within Appendix 8.• Upgrade fire escape signage with photoluminescent rigid plastic fire escape signage screw fixed to walls. • Upgrade fire escape signage with new compliant A4 size fire action notice signs. |
Work Element
External Decoration |
Description of Works
External decorations to all previously decorated surfaces. Including rainwater goods, storage sheds, railings and boundary walls. |
Work Element
Internal Repairs |
Description of Works
Repairs to internal fabric finishes ensuring they are sound, consistent and ready to receive redecoration. |
Work Element
Internal Decoration |
Description of Works
Redecoration of all previously decorated internal surfaces. Class 0 performance required to walls, ceilings, strings and soffits including necessary preparations, in accordance with Approved Document B requirements. |
Work Element
External Concrete/ Brick Repairs |
Description of Works
The service provider will carry out the works in line with and in accordance with the Survey Report in Appendix 2 and the performance specification located within Appendix 8. Also, the service provider will provide a plan for potential phasing of pointing and external repairs work and align against working at height requirements and proposal.• Extensive brickwork facing and pointing repairs where necessary on all external areas. The service provider must identify the extent of the pointing work at high level across the blocks and arrange for WCC to also inspect and agree the extent of pointing required.• Concrete repair work to balconies.• Concrete repairs to concrete window cills.• Carry out brickwork and concrete repairs to boundary walls.• Carryout repair work to concrete coping stones where necessary.• Repair/ rebuild brickwork to raised brick planters.• Make good screed to communal decking to ground floor. |
Work Element
External Repairs |
Description of Works
• Repair damaged trunking to external walls.• Renew broken metal air vents to external walls.• Reclip loose/sagging cables to walls and soffits.• Make good redundant service penetrations to external walls.• Clean stained areas on brickwork.• Install pigeon spikes were necessary. |
Work Element
Car Park |
Description of Works
Residents need to be given adequate notice to move their cars to enable the car park repairs and resurfacing works. The service provider should liaise with WCC to plan/sequence the tarmac works to avoid delays.• Carry out tarmac repairs to car parking area. |
Work Element
Trees |
Description of Works
Cut back tree branches encroaching the blocks. The service provider should check if a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is required before cutting back any tree branches. |
Work Element
Metal Work Repairs |
Description of Works
Decoration of all previously painted metalwork including external boundary treatments. To include full preparation (strip where necessary) and repairs and replacement of missing or defective elements.Bin chute hatches – Smoke seals to be upgraded to BS7386. If beyond repair, hatch to be replaced to fire rated cover. |
Work Element
Communal Flooring |
Description of Works
Repairs to existing non–covered flooring (including replacement of any components beyond repair) to ensure surfaces are safe, cleanable, maintainable, and free of defectsThe service provider is to arrange further inspections to the internal communal areas and communal walkways of Tadema House and advise WCC if any additional work is required to the flooring. |
Work Element
Internal Repairs |
Description of Works
Repairs to internal fabric finishes ensuring they are sound, consistent and ready to receive redecoration. |
Work Element
Fire Safety Works |
Description of Works
Review the fire risk assessment report to ensure familiarisation with fire safety strategies for the properties in relation to all areas affected by the works. Identify all works deemed necessary and associated with the works to ensure all fire safety requirements are met. Report findings with respect to recommendations to WCC for any additional work that may be deemed appropriate with regard to fire protection matters for consideration and further direction/instruction. Ensure the works are fully compliant with all current regulatory requirements. |
Work Element
Asbestos Management |
Description of Works
Contractor to note that all live asbestos information can be found on the Westminster City Council asbestos portal, Shine. The PD/PC is required to inform the client regarding the need to instruct any further R&D surveys as the design develops and the areas where intrusive works will be required are confirmed. The R&D survey will be instructed by the client through the asbestos management system and provided to the PD/PC as part of the PCI, to allow the CPP to be developed. The Service Providers Project Execution Plan needs to identify any further works, with estimated costs, for completing removal or encapsulation of ACMs to enable The Works. The SP is to ensure that any subcontractor undertaking asbestos removal works as part of The Works, fulfils the client’s requirements outlined in the WCC process and procedure documents and are deemed competent to undertake the required works. The SP is to ensure that any subcontractor undertaking asbestos removal works as part of The Works, fulfils the clients licence requirements and are deemed competent to undertake the required works. |
Work Element
Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) of M&E Systems |
Description of Works
The Service Provider is to be responsible for the maintenance of all mechanical and electrical systems for the duration of the contract. The Service Provider is to make a budget allowance based on the annual M&E PPM items. |
Work Element
Other Potentially Hazardous Circumstances |
Description of Works
Where held the Client has provided relevant information regarding the existing structure(s) and materials in the IPCI.The PD/PC is to inform the client if during the design stage, it becomes evident that there is the potential for other deleterious materials or hazards to be present and further inspection or testing is required.Other materials that may be present or that need considering include but are not limited to:• Lead Paint• HAC• Horse hair plaster• Clay pot floors• Calcium silicate brickwork• RAAC planks• Tesserae• VermiculiteOther hazards that may be present:• Fragile roof materials• Unprotected roof lights• Unprotected flat roofs• Unprotected fall risks (shafts/ sumps)• Confined spaces• Insufficient safe access provision to plant and equipment• Noise protection zones• Open water |
Work Element
H&S File & O&M Manual |
Description of Works
These buildings do not currently have a H&S file.Create/provide a new Health and Safety File and Operating & Maintenance manuals for the building and also for all systems associated with The Works. The file shall be in accordance with and as detailed within the Term Partnering Contract. This is to include but is not limited to;• A detailed future Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) programme/ regime associated with The Works;• As-built drawings, specifications, schematics, schedules etc.• Manufacturers details, guarantees and warranties (as applicable)• Details of risks and hazardous materials not eliminated through design• Site Investigation Reports• Statutory authority consents and approvals |
Work Element |
Description of Works |
Work Element | Description of Works |
Work Element
Condition Survey |
Description of Works
The PD where appointed (or PC where no PD duty holder is in place) is to inform the Client, where additional survey or inspections are required to develop the PCI and inform the design process.The PC is required to complete a pre-commencement condition survey within all areas likely to be affected by the works, which shall contain written and photographic evidence of the existing conditions. The PC is to identify any areas of concern that may result in additional works being necessary, together with proposed remedial recommendations, within the scope of works. The condition survey is to be agreed with WCC/WCCs Client Representative and upon conclusion of the works the PC is to ensure the condition of any areas affected by the works are handed over to WCC/WCC in no worse a condition than at pre-commencement stage. |
Work Element
Access Required |
Description of Works
Work at height will be required to complete the window renewal works, repairs to the private balconies and external brickwork/pointing repairs. The PC is to ensure that all work at height activities are risk assessed and that the proposed method of access to facilitate the works is detailed in the CPP and fully costed in the PEP.Should there be any reason that specific access arrangements cannot be fully evaluated and costed for then the Service Provider should identify these together with a defined Provisional allowance within their PEP for each specific item/ area.Access will also be required into properties to undertake pre & post condition surveys and to carry out some elements of work described in the survey report in Appendix 2. |
Work Element
Pitched Roofs |
Description of Works
The roof coverings are believed to be generally in a good condition however repair works is required in certain areas. The service provider must identify additional required works through a condition survey arranged by the service provider and attended by WCC, who will agree to scope of works. Works identified so far are: • Overhaul sections of roof components including roof tiles, ridge/ hip tiles, SVP’s, RWG’s. • Repoint isolated areas of missing pointing to ridge tiles. • Brick repointing on chimneys.• Apply patination oil to lead flashings.• Repoint isolated areas to chimney stack.Anticipated works may include but not limited to:• Renew chimney cowls• Clean all roof coverings using proprietary techniques including removal of all algae, moss, and the like.• Inspection and minor repairs/replacement of damaged roof timber components (structural and non-structural);• Repairs/replacement to any damaged or missing flashings, soakers and the like, including repointing of same where necessary. |
Work Element
Rainwater Goods |
Description of Works
Test and undertake repairs and full cleaning of rainwater goods including replacements of elements which are beyond repair. Test upon completion to ensure all rainwater goods systems are free of leaks and are discharging correctly. |
Work Element
Loft Space |
Description of Works
The Service Provider is to arrange loft inspections to check the adequacy of existing loft insulation and fire compartmentation. If upgrades are required to meet current building regulations, the Service Provider is to refer to the WCC standard specification document in Appendix 8.The service provider must engage with WCC before proceeding with any additional works.Where the roof insulation levels are low (Below 300mm), the service provider must report this to the WCC Asset Investment Manager through the WCC representative on site. WCC’s Asset Investment Manager will then liaise with the service provider on next steps for new insulation to be installed. |
Work Element
Flat Roofs/Bin Stores |
Description of Works
• Renew flat roof coverings to main entrance canopies. • Apply waterproof render capping to brick bin stores by flats entrances.• Renew/repair doors, frames to brick bin stores by flats entrances. |
Work Element
Below Ground Drainage |
Description of Works
The service provider will carry out CCTV drainage survey in line with and in accordance with the Survey Report in Appendix 2. Based on the CCTV results, an agreement will be reached between contractor and WCC to establish the extent of associated works required. The Contractor is to provide proposals that would allow access to all main drain runs on the site to ascertain locations and condition. The contractor is to review the proposal to install/allow for rodding eyes at the down service connections between the rainwater pipes and the fall to the drain. |
Work Element
Communal Walkways/Balconies |
Description of Works
• Balcony – carry out cover meter, carbonation, hammer test and concrete repairs.• Remove plant growth.• Isolated areas of repointing, stitch brickwork, carbonation, hammer tests to concrete areas and carry out concrete repairs.• Clear out and flush through blocked gullies to communal balconies.• Asphalt repair work. |
Work Element
External Lighting |
Description of Works
Repair/Renew faulty flood lights outside flats 11 & 6. |
Work Element
Boiler Flues |
Description of Works
Survey/review and identify existing boiler flues, which need to be extended to protect the building fabric. Extend the flues where required where required. |
Work Element
Private Balcony Works |
Description of Works
The Service Provider is to inspect the conditions of the private balconies including the asphalt and advice what works are required. All works are subject to WCC representative approval. There will be a provisional sum for these works. |
Work Element
Glazing & Windows |
Description of Works
Renewal of individual property timber framed windows. The proposal is to renew in double glazing. All new glazing elements to comply with relevant Approved Documents.The Service Provider is to follow current building regulations when installing new windows. Reglaze communal entrance doors to Stanfield House. |
Work Element
Extractor Fans |
Description of Works
Where possible remove extractor fans from glazed windows and install new extractor fans to internal walls. The service provider should confirm the make and model of the extractor fan with the WCC representative before installation. |
Work Element
Block Signage |
Description of Works
The service provider will carry out the works in line with and in accordance with the Survey Report in Appendix 2 and the performance specification located within Appendix 8.• Upgrade fire escape signage with photoluminescent rigid plastic fire escape signage screw fixed to walls. • Upgrade fire escape signage with new compliant A4 size fire action notice signs. |
Work Element
External Decoration |
Description of Works
External decorations to all previously decorated surfaces. Including rainwater goods, storage sheds, railings and boundary walls. |
Work Element
Internal Repairs |
Description of Works
Repairs to internal fabric finishes ensuring they are sound, consistent and ready to receive redecoration.Repair/replace wall tiles to internal communal areas. |
Work Element
Internal Decoration |
Description of Works
Redecoration of all previously decorated internal surfaces. Class 0 performance required to walls, ceilings, strings and soffits including necessary preparations, in accordance with Approved Document B requirements. |
Work Element
External Concrete/ Brick Repairs |
Description of Works
The service provider will carry out the works in line with and in accordance with the Survey Report in Appendix 2 and the performance specification located within Appendix 8. Also, the service provider will provide a plan for potential phasing of pointing and external repairs work and align against working at height requirements and proposal.• Extensive brickwork facing and pointing repairs where necessary on all external areas. The service provider must identify the extent of the pointing work at high level across the blocks and arrange for WCC to also inspect and agree the extent of pointing required.• Concrete repair work to balconies.• Concrete repairs to concrete window cills.• Carry out brickwork and concrete repairs to boundary walls.• Carryout repair work to concrete coping stones where necessary.• Repair/ rebuild brickwork to raised brick planters.• Make good screed to communal decking to ground floor. |
Work Element
External Repairs |
Description of Works
• Repair damaged trunking to external walls.• Renew broken metal air vents to external walls.• Reclip loose/sagging cables to walls and soffits.• Make good redundant service penetrations to external walls.• Clean stained areas on brickwork.• Install pigeon spikes were necessary. |
Work Element
Car Park |
Description of Works
Residents need to be given adequate notice to move their cars to enable the car park repairs and resurfacing works. The service provider should liaise with WCC to plan/sequence the tarmac works to avoid delays.• • Carry out tarmac repairs to car parking area.• Resurface carpark and repaint lines to parking area. |
Work Element
Trees |
Description of Works
Cut back tree branches encroaching the blocks. The service provider should check if a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is required before cutting back any tree branches. |
Work Element
Metal Work Repairs |
Description of Works
Decoration of all previously painted metalwork including external boundary treatments. To include full preparation (strip where necessary) and repairs and replacement of missing or defective elements.Bin chute hatches – Smoke seals to be upgraded to BS7386. If beyond repair, hatch to be replaced to fire rated cover. |
Work Element
Communal Flooring |
Description of Works
Repairs to existing non–covered flooring (including replacement of any components beyond repair) to ensure surfaces are safe, cleanable, maintainable, and free of defects.The service provider is to arrange further inspections to the internal communal area floors/stairs - carry out a deep clean. Repair broken tiles and cracked screed. |
Work Element
Internal Repairs |
Description of Works
Repairs to internal fabric finishes ensuring they are sound, consistent and ready to receive redecoration.Repair/replace wall tiles to internal communal areas. |
Work Element
Fire Safety Works |
Description of Works
Review the fire risk assessment report to ensure familiarisation with fire safety strategies for the properties in relation to all areas affected by the works. Identify all works deemed necessary and associated with the works to ensure all fire safety requirements are met. Report findings with respect to recommendations to WCC for any additional work that may be deemed appropriate with regard to fire protection matters for consideration and further direction/instruction. Ensure the works are fully compliant with all current regulatory requirements. |
Work Element
Asbestos Management |
Description of Works
Contractor to note that all live asbestos information can be found on the Westminster City Council asbestos portal, Shine. The PD/PC is required to inform the client regarding the need to instruct any further R&D surveys as the design develops and the areas where intrusive works will be required are confirmed. The R&D survey will be instructed by the client through the asbestos management system and provided to the PD/PC as part of the PCI, to allow the CPP to be developed. The Service Providers Project Execution Plan needs to identify any further works, with estimated costs, for completing removal or encapsulation of ACMs to enable The Works. The SP is to ensure that any subcontractor undertaking asbestos removal works as part of The Works, fulfils the client’s requirements outlined in the WCC process and procedure documents and are deemed competent to undertake the required works. The SP is to ensure that any subcontractor undertaking asbestos removal works as part of The Works, fulfils the clients licence requirements and are deemed competent to undertake the required works. |
Work Element
Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) of M&E Systems |
Description of Works
The Service Provider is to be responsible for the maintenance of all mechanical and electrical systems for the duration of the contract. The Service Provider is to make a budget allowance based on the annual M&E PPM items. |
Work Element
Other Potentially Hazardous Circumstances |
Description of Works
Where held the Client has provided relevant information regarding the existing structure(s) and materials in the IPCI.The PD/PC is to inform the client if during the design stage, it becomes evident that there is the potential for other deleterious materials or hazards to be present and further inspection or testing is required.Other materials that may be present or that need considering include but are not limited to:• Lead Paint• HAC• Horse hair plaster• Clay pot floors• Calcium silicate brickwork• RAAC planks• Tesserae• VermiculiteOther hazards that may be present:• Fragile roof materials• Unprotected roof lights• Unprotected flat roofs• Unprotected fall risks (shafts/ sumps)• Confined spaces• Insufficient safe access provision to plant and equipment• Noise protection zones• Open water |
Work Element
H&S File & O&M Manual |
Description of Works
These buildings do not currently have a H&S file.Create/provide a new Health and Safety File and Operating & Maintenance manuals for the building and also for all systems associated with The Works. The file shall be in accordance with and as detailed within the Term Partnering Contract. This is to include but is not limited to;• A detailed future Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) programme/ regime associated with The Works;• As-built drawings, specifications, schematics, schedules etc.• Manufacturers details, guarantees and warranties (as applicable)• Details of risks and hazardous materials not eliminated through design• Site Investigation Reports• Statutory authority consents and approvals |
Work Element |
Description of Works |
Published: 27 October 2022
Last updated: 31 December 2024