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Design and heritage

Find out about Westminster's listed buildings, conservation areas and audits, historic parks and world heritage sites.

Listed buildings

Find out if a property is listed.

Conservation areas

Find out if you are in a conservation area and learn about planning guide and audits for these special areas.

Retrofitting historic buildings

Advice on retrofitting historic buildings including measures to improve energy efficiency and sustainability.

World Heritage Site

Learn about the Westminster World Heritage Site including the management plan and Statement of Outstanding Universal Value.

Urban design, public realm and public art

Read how we are working with partners to promote high quality innovative design in new buildings and the public realm.


Westminster's archaeology includes scheduled ancient monuments and areas of archaeological priority.

Historic parks and gardens

See a full list of London squares and registered parks and gardens in Westminster.

Westminster's heritage assets

Find out about heritage assets and policy and see resources for researching Westminster's history and heritage.

Design Review Panel

Find out more about our Design Review Panel, process and fees