Submitted documents
The council has received a submission version of the St James's Neighbourhood Plan from the St James's Neighbourhood Forum, which we are now consulting on.
The plan includes policies on various matters, including character and design, land use, public spaces and sustainability.
The submitted documents are as follows:
Once formally adopted, the Plan will form part of Westminster's Statutory Development Plan, alongside the London Plan (2021) and Westminster's City Plan 2019-2040. It will be a material consideration in the assessment of planning applications within the area it covers (please refer to the enclosed map of the designated Neighbourhood Area).
Representations on the plan are invited from 2 December 2024 until 28 January 2025. Responses should be provided in writing via email to: [email protected]
The Statement of Representations Procedure provides further detail on how to make representations:
Next steps
The plan and representations will be submitted to an Independent Examiner, who will determine whether the plan meets a number of statutory tests, known as 'Basic Conditions'. The Statement of Representation Procedure provides more information on the 'Basic Conditions'.
Following this, the plan will be put to a referendum in the local area. If the plan receives majority support (more than 50%), it will be considered 'made' (formally adopted).
Privacy notice
Due to the process of having an Independent Examination before the referendum and final adoption, representations cannot be treated as confidential. They will be published on our website alongside your name. If you respond as an individual rather than a company or organisation, we will not publish your contact details (email and postal address) online. However, the original representations will be shared in full with the independent examiner.