Walking and cycling
Discover how we support walking and cycling in the city.
City cycle courses
Find out about free cycling training for anyone who lives, works or studies in Westminster.
Cycle parking
Find cycle stands and secure units in Westminster.
Cycle strategy
Our plans to encourage and support cycling across Westminster
Santander cycle hire scheme
More information about Santander bikes and their parking locations.
Cycling toolkit - things to get you started
Advice on buying and maintaining your bicycle and safe cycling in London
E-bikes and e-scooters
When you can use an electric bike or scooter.
Find out about our walking strategy to encourage more walking.
Road safety
Find out about courses and campaigns to improve the road safety skills of cyclists and pedestrian of all ages.
School travel plans
Our plans to promote safer, healthier and more sustainable travel to and from schools.
Themed bicycle rides in Westminster
Discover the sights, shops, food and history of the borough on guided group bicycle tours.
Cycle loan scheme
More about the Try Before You Bike loan scheme, what's available and how to sign up.
Cycle events
Find out about free bike tours and free cycle repair and care clinics
Cycling consultations
See information for our open and closed consultations related to the Westminster Cycling Strategy.
Cycling lane extension – consultation
Find out about proposals for cycling lanes in Westminster
Two way cycling connections
Submit your suggestion for a cycling connection scheme.
Cargo bikes
Find out what a cargo bike is and where to find more information about them in Westminster.
Dockless e-bike parking bays
We have introduced over 380 new parking bays for dockless rental e-bikes across the borough.