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Help for residents to find a job

We help unemployed Westminster residents get the training and support needed to find and sustain employment.

Our coaches can help you develop new skills and overcome barriers to build confidence and get ready for work.

How we can help

WES coaches offer bespoke support through one to one coaching, including interview practice and CV writing.

Your Employment Coach will listen to your employment history and work out what kind of work, training or education you want to do.

They will be in contact regularly to support you work through your goals. Your coach will meet with you wherever you feel most comfortable – whether that’s at a council office, in a community setting or in a local café.

Your coach will support you on areas like:

  • job searching, CV writing and interview practice
  • learning new skills including courses, IT training and English language classes
  • advice on benefits and money management
  • referrals to other services that can support you and your family
  • in-work support when you start employment for 6 months

Contact WES services for residents

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.

Email: sends email)

Phone: 07971026709

Register yourself with us

If you are referring yourself for Westminster Employment Service Support, please complete the below registration form.

Refer yourself to WES

Register a client with us

If you are an organisation or service referring your client for Westminster Employment Service support, please complete the below registration form.

Refer a client to WES