Making a CIL payment
The commencement of the development triggers the liability to pay, and payment will be due in accordance with the charging authority's relevant instalment policy:
WCC CIL instalments are payable as follows:
- £50 to £999,999.99
- 100% of the total amount due in 90 days
- £1,000,000 t0 £2,999,999.99
- 50% of the total amount due, a minimum of £1,000,000 at 90 Days
- Remainer of the total amount due at 180 Days
- £3,000,000 and above
- 50% of total amount due in 90 Days
- 25% of total amount due in 180 Days
- 25% of total amount due in 360 Days
If a valid commencement notice has not been submitted before development commences, payment of the CIL amount will be due in full on the day that the collecting authority believes the development to have commenced. Interest and surcharges may also be applied.
Payment is accepted by BACS/internet transfer. When paying, please quote the reference given in your demand notice, for example, MAY0001111-LP001111.
Bank Name: Lloyd's Banking Group
Sort Code: 30-00-02
Account number: 00350082
Account Name: City of Westminster General Account
IBAN: BB24LOYD 30000200350082
To appeal a CIL decision, you can find information on the GOV.UK website
For all CIL enquiries, please email us at