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Making a planning application

Ready to apply - find out how to make your planning application here.

Validation requirements

Information to support your application

All applications need supporting information.

Each application type has its own national and local information requirements. You must submit the documents required by the development you are proposing. You can view individual validation checklists for each type of application or read through the full list of planning validation requirements:

To avoid delays please ensure we receive all the necessary plans, supporting documentation and check:

Maps, Plans guidance PDF, 363.1 KB, 3 pages
CIL form 1.pdf PDF, 447.75 KB, 6 pages
Guidance notes for CIL PDF, 129.32 KB, 6 pages
  • the Assumption of CIL liability form(link is external) has been submitted to ensure that the CIL liability notice is issued to the correct party.  The responsibility to pay runs with the ownership of the land, unless another party has assumed liability. Visit the CIL webpages for further information.
  • the plans submitted show the existing situation and the proposed scheme adequately or accurately.

You must apply the naming conventions below and combine related plans/documents to reduce the number of separate files.

Naming conventions PDF, 426.44 KB, 2 pages

All applications are assessed digitally and we require a scale bar to be included on all plans to allow us to scale and measure electronically.

Depending on the site and your proposal, other technical reports and information may be needed as set out in the validation checklists.

You can also see advice on content of supporting documents including complying with national requirements such as design and access, fire statements and biodiversity net gain information.

Published: 29 December 2020

Last updated: 22 March 2024